PAC takes notice of foreign air hostesses hired by PIA

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PAC takes notice of foreign air hostesses hired by PIA

Post by Abbas Ali »

ISLAMABAD: Public Accounts Committee (PAC) took strict notice of PIA decision of replacing Pakistani air hostesses with foreign air hostesses with a salary of US$ 5000 per month. It also took strict notice of sending 78 employees, including 45 air hostesses on forced leave and directed that these employees should be grounded rather than sacking them.

Source: The News

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Post by PIA10141 »

WHAT...........5000 USD???? What is PIA thinking???? thats like 2.5 lakhs...... wow, and pakistani people are still starving to death and this much money is being given to foreigners doing something thats not even worth the money..... :? :shock: :evil:
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Post by Nasir »

There has to be something wrong with what is being reported. An entry level mechanical engineer with General Motors or Ford in the US does'nt even make $5,000 a month and we're talking skilled white collor job.

Flight Attendants in the US start at $1,500, and may go up to $3,000
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I am pretty sure after every kind of allowance, an Airbus A310 captain in PIA is not getting $5000/month. PALPA would have serious concerns, if it is by any chance true.
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Post by AN »

whereas not completely true, some of the foreign stewerdesses (particularly Japanese), are receiving such high salaries. Pay scales are set to their local pay scales with the result that they vary with each group/nationality.
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Post by fatah »

Public Accounts Committee states
"It also took strict notice of sending 78 employees, including 45 air hostesses on forced leave and directed that these employees should be grounded rather than sacking them. "

This is making me sick. The PAC on one hand states that they are very concerned about PIA's losses, Yet they want that PIA should keep not fire anyone. Maybe they haven't heard the saying, " you can't eat your cake and have it too."
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Post by AP-BGL »

I have a question: What was the need of hiring any foreign airhostess?

Is it because PIA cannot find even a single airhostess who is fluent in English and has dynamic personality or anything other that PIA is looking for is only found in those foreign people? I think if airhostess are hired from Pakistan, PIA could have been able to save so much money :!:
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Post by inducedrag »

If mister K wanted to f*** the seven wounders of world that was the easiest way to provide him and the most legal way. :twisted: :P :evil:
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Post by FMC »

This induction was the initiative of Umar Ghafoor sahib. Hats off to him for taking the bold step. TK must be happy with him for taking him around the world.
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By the way what sectors those FA do their PERFORMANCE?
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Post by FMC »

FULLTHRUST wrote:By the way what sectors those FA do their PERFORMANCE?