777-340ER Delivery flight timetable for JFK

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777-340ER Delivery flight timetable for JFK

Post by AN »

She is scheduled as follows:
(All times are local)
Depart Seattle @ 1100 - arrive JFK 1800

im sure it will be dark by then. Further times posted as I get them.
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Post by fatah »

You gave the time, can you please give the date.

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Delivery sked already posted !!

Post by SENIOR »

AP-BHV deliver sked has already been posted guys on the 05DEC06

Page 3 on Topic - First PK 777-300ER photo (AP-BHV)

Please see below the change of delivery sked -
Last edited by SENIOR on Sat Dec 09, 2006 2:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by AN »

the timings are for the 20th of December.
The aircraft will continue to manchester and then pakistan
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Post by Amaad Lone »

Would have been great if the aircraft had done the New York- Pakistan sector non-stop.

I am sure the 777-300ER can operate the route non-stop, with a full load.

Which crew is bring the plane from Seattle to New York, and New York onwards??

Must be one of the early 777 crews.

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Post by AN »

The 777-300 cannot do JFK - KHI nonstop with a full load. There will be some load restriction.
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Post by nutsforplanes »

AN wrote:
The 777-300 cannot do JFK - KHI nonstop with a full load. There will be some load restriction.
Yes! The 777-300 cannot do JFK-KHI with a full load. The 777-340ER can do JFK-KHI with with NO load restrictions, non-stop all year round Sir!
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AP-BHV delivery revised

Post by SENIOR »

As per KHI the delivery has now been revised -

FRI/22DEC positioning flight PK773 AP-BHV

SAT/23DEC extra section flight PK7182
ARR/DEP MAN 0830/1030UTC
ARR/DEP ISB 1815/2000UTC
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Post by umar744 »

hello salam
AN you right true 777300ER cannot nonstop full load JFK to KHI because
empty aircraft weight is 167000kg
passenger and cargo full 70000kg
full fuel 145500kg
fuel trip 9000kg per hour
if full passenger and cargo load in aircraft 237000kg without fuel.
JFK-KHI 13 hours trip plus 2 hours divert = 15hours x 9000kg fuel total is 135000kg.
237000kg + fuel 135000kg = 362000kg take off but 777300ER maximum take off 345000kg to 351000kg.
A340-600HGW can do full load nonstop
thank you very much
best wishes
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Post by Jacobin777 »

nutsforplanes wrote:AN wrote:
The 777-300 cannot do JFK - KHI nonstop with a full load. There will be some load restriction.
Yes! The 777-300 cannot do JFK-KHI with a full load. The 777-340ER can do JFK-KHI with with NO load restrictions, non-stop all year round Sir!
that is correct..it can go basically full load (over very close to it)..even during hot conditions at KHI..

umar744 wrote:hello salam
AN you right true 777300ER cannot nonstop full load JFK to KHI because
empty aircraft weight is 167000kg
passenger and cargo full 70000kg
full fuel 145500kg
fuel trip 9000kg per hour
if full passenger and cargo load in aircraft 237000kg without fuel.
JFK-KHI 13 hours trip plus 2 hours divert = 15hours x 9000kg fuel total is 135000kg.
237000kg + fuel 135000kg = 362000kg take off but 777300ER maximum take off 345000kg to 351000kg.
A340-600HGW can do full load nonstop
thank you very much
best wishes

Salaam..I have NO idea where you get your information from..but it is WELL off..the 777-300ER will be able to do it almost year round with 95% of load.

The SFC of the B777-300ER is .530 while that of the A346 is .568...its not even close...

..and if I dont' know what I'm talking about, why is CX basically dumping their A346 (a HKG-JFK route which they run with the A346) and purchasing the B773ER to run that route (a route which is 700nm SHORTER than JFK-KHI)...especially given they ALREADY have the A346 and the A346 has Rolls Royce engines which the B773ER doesn't....

The B773ER has better mission payload, more pax seating, better SFC, etc than the A346....

Finally, why has the B773ER CRUSHED the A346 the past 2 years?

Its not even close...
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Post by nutsforplanes »

Jacobin777 wrote:
...why is CX basically dumping their A346 (a HKG-JFK route which they run with the A346) and purchasing the B773ER to run that route (a route which is 700nm SHORTER than JFK-KHI...
Also too, one of three Emirates non-stop daily to JFK is a 773ER.

http://boeing.com/commercial/777family/ ... oduct.html

Click on New York under the range charts
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Post by umar744 »

salam hello all good happy smile
EVA Air Taiwan 773ER pax and crew 315 fly nonstop Taipei to Los Angeles
Emirate has three class First class and business and ecomony class how many seat pax and crew fly from Dubai to JFK
if PIA load up to 200,000kg plus fuel 145000kg total max 345000kg can fly nonstop from KHI to JFK or YYZ no problem
surprised 777LR AP-BGY have been full load 209000kg and fuel 132000kg total 341000kg tookoff from Karachi to Toronto then weight max landing 223000kg. 114000kg fuel wipe out for 15hours
mach speed 0.82 to 0.83
over 7000 miles
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Post by FMC »

Can PIA afford taking delivery of the new B773ER? Considering the financial mess it is in as discussed on this forum, can any one educate me on the seat cost per kilometre for this plane? Pls. include the total operating cost plus the loan/lease installment charges.
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Post by AN »

Choosing/keeping an aircraft in its fleet is not just a matter of range
The A340-600 is infamous with airlines for maintenance reasons, which is their primary reason for gettin rid of it. Maintenance costs will always be higher on a 4 engine aircraft than on a 2 engined one, AS WILL FUEL BURN ON SIMILAR SIZED AIRCRAFT.

Also you cannot simply calculate fuel required from SFC. Thats too simple and unrealistic a way of doing it. Ever countries CAA has different requirements/restrictions. CAA PAK does not give PIA 777's the same ETOPS rating as Boeing has managed to demonstrate and acheive with the FAA, resulting in longer routes for a PIA twin engine aircraft, than for other operators using ETOPS regs.

There are hundreds of detailed reasons that boil down to an operator choosing/rejecting an aircraft, including its own specific problems/preferences and has everything to do with politics as well.

Etihad for example is picking up a mixed fleet at the moment, which is a very poor strategy overall, but is the only option they have at the moment as thats all that is available, and they want to expand immediatly, before the middle eastern market is too dominated for anyone else to enter it. They cannot get an all Boeing fleet (which they prefer as they have taken up as many 7 options as they an get their hands on) so they have taken Airbus as well.

Lets not :
A. Try an figure out which airplane is better or worse, when everything in the aviation industry is such a compromise. With the T7 you are getting a more economical product, but paying for it through the nose. With the Airbus you are getting a less economical product, but since Airbus and the world have recognized that, you get it at a much cheaper price.

B. Decide how much fuel a PIA T7 requires as there is alot more to it than simply taking the Fuel on Board, and dividing it by fuel burn/SFC to calculate range.
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Post by Adnan Anwar »

What does SFC stands for?
Adnan Anwar