ATR-42 training in Pindi

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ATR-42 training in Pindi

Post by AN »

Schedule has been made for ATR-42 BHI to conduct circuits/landings tomorrow (wednesday nov 29). This is the perfect oppurtunity for pictures.
All pilots who complete sim training have to perform 6 landings on the actual aircraft, which is usualy done in the evening, when the aircraft is not being flown on regular flights.
Normaly 4 pilots+ instructor etc board the aircraft, and each takes about an hour to complete 6 landings, so the aircraft flies in the circuit till it has completed 6 touch and goes per pilot, usualy a total of 24 touch and goes, which takes anywhere from 4 - 5 hours depending on traffic.
I will post the exact time as I find out.
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Post by Abbas Ali »

We hope to see some photos of ATR training flights - thank you.

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Post by AP-BGL »

I'll definitely try to take shots while the aircraft takes-off or lands, hope there would not be any ASF personnel patrolling in the particular area that time... :roll: