PIA luggage weight allowance- need help ASAP!!

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PIA luggage weight allowance- need help ASAP!!

Post by Hasson2k2 »

Hey guys I am flying PK 796 tonight :D

My travel agent told me that we are allowed abt 70pounds for each luggage. And about 18pounds for a carry on hand bag. But I remember seeing a post abt PIA reducing their weight allowance for both luggage and hand bag. Does anyone know the exact new amount???

Also I am travelling with my grandmother who is going in Business += do Business Plus passengers have a higher luggage allowance then economy (like me)??

PLEASE LET ME KNOW ASAP cuz we leave for the airport in like 3 1/2 hours and my luggage might be overweight.

typical desi style lol=panicking at the last possible minute

thanks in advance!!
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Post by Gulistan »

Revised Baggage Allowance

New security rules at various airports have compelled PIA to revise its free baggage allowance for Europe and US destinations to improve baggage service to its valued customers in current scenario. New rules effective 16th September are as follows:

* Checked baggage allowance to and from US/Canada destinations is 28 Kg. per piece
* Checked baggage allowance from UK destinations has been revised to 35kg.
* Surcharge of USD 50 shall be applicable for hand baggage between 7 Kg to 12 Kg. Baggage more than 12 Kg. shall not be allowed in cabin on all routes
http://www.piac.com.pk/PIA_Experience/p ... agesvc.asp

http://www.piac.com.pk/PIA_Experience/p ... c.asp#BPCC

Also check your ticket, it usually says on it. B+ will have a higher allowance not aure what it is.
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Post by umar744 »

reduce weight
1)baggage allowance 28kg = 60lbs
2)hand bag 7kg maybe 18lbs
AA and UA and other airline 23kg = 50lbs
but BA 32kg = 70lbs
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Post by Hasson2k2 »

thanks all!! leavin for the airport as we speak 8)