PIA Capt. refuses to eat food served by a non-muslim purser

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Post by Gulistan »

aviationfan wrote:
Gulistan wrote:
CoyBoy wrote:Well finally we can see Che is not the muslim he makes himself out to be.

Hindus are cleaner than many muslims that I know of including myself, their faith too puts immense emphasis on purity and cleanliness, also unfortunate circumstances and a senseless caste system have forced some people into janitorial jobs from both Hindu and Christian communities, even in India, that does not mean they are unclean, even in our house our Punjabi Christain jamardarni used to cook for us at times, sadly our late maluvi sahib too was taken aback by this setup, and in his ignorance even told us we should not eat what they cook, but we didnt care and carried on with the practise.
Hindu's cleaner than Muslims dont make me laugh. A true muslim washes himself at least 5 times daily, if not more. Now equate this with dipping in the Ganges the most polluted river on the planet, I wont even mention their thoughts on the therapeutic power of cow urine :P :P :P
Who are you trying to fool? Washes five times a day means ablutions...not taking a complete shower five times a day...So a true Muslim can wash his hands, forearms and other exposed skin five times a day, but wash nothing else and he/she will still be rather smelly...

Now as far as the FA being male/female muslim/non-muslim...when someone is in charge of a $150MM aircraft and 400 or so passengers, I EXPECT for that person NOT to be worried about who is serving dinner and to be focused on the flight itself. Excuses such as the pilot is 'very senior', 'very experienced', 'it is his religious obligation', or any other muslim-related reason stays ON THE GROUND...even then discrimination and bigotry has no place in this world. This captain should be grounded permanently...
If a person has the dedication to pray & wash 5 times a day, there is no doubt in my mind he will keep himself nice & clean :roll: :roll:
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Post by CoyBoy »

Thats what you think Gulistan, I can bring ten filthy people to you who pray five times a day, you can find them yourself too just look around next time you're in Pakistan, I have seen Imam's tell such people to take care of cleanliness when coming to the mosque for prayers, to take out time to bathe or atleast wear clean clothes if nothing else.
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Post by Saeed »

Gulistan wrote: If you had bothered to read my post fully, you would have seen i qualified it by saying true Muslim. Are you saying no Hindu baths in the Ganges, only the extremist??
gulistan sahib, what does bathing in ganges have to do with this incident? do you mean flight steward mr ramesh lal and all other hindus around the world come to ganges daily to take bath? are you trying to say mr. ramesh lal took bath in ganges before boarding pia plane? why involve someone’s religious background in such incident? do you refuse halal meal served by non-muslims at public places? do you think 747 captain was pure and steward ramesh lal impure? mr ramesh lal was serving halal meal to the captain, do you think it’s okay to refuse halal meal served by a non-muslim? does islam allow such discrimination?
Gulistan wrote: Amaad, you can hardly blame AN posters for their diatribe, since it was a Pakistani who posted the thread link from here at AN forum. No doubt who ever that member is he wanted to project a positive image of our country.
So which idiot it was well done :evil: :evil: :twisted: :roll: :roll: :roll:
you mean only positive things about the country should be highlighted and negative things hidden & covered up? why?
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Post by Gulistan »

Saeed wrote:
Gulistan wrote: If you had bothered to read my post fully, you would have seen i qualified it by saying true Muslim. Are you saying no Hindu baths in the Ganges, only the extremist??
gulistan sahib, what does bathing in ganges have to do with this incident? do you mean flight steward mr ramesh lal and all other hindus around the world come to ganges daily to take bath? are you trying to say mr. ramesh lal took bath in ganges before boarding pia plane? why involve someone’s religious background in such incident? do you refuse halal meal served by non-muslims at public places? do you think 747 captain was pure and steward ramesh lal impure? mr ramesh lal was serving halal meal to the captain, do you think it’s okay to refuse halal meal served by a non-muslim? does islam allow such discrimination?
Gulistan wrote: Amaad, you can hardly blame AN posters for their diatribe, since it was a Pakistani who posted the thread link from here at AN forum. No doubt who ever that member is he wanted to project a positive image of our country.
So which idiot it was well done :evil: :evil: :twisted: :roll: :roll: :roll:
you mean only positive things about the country should be highlighted and negative things hidden & covered up? why?
My comments regarding Hindu's were in reply to one of Coyboy's post and not a comment on the FA, kindly read the whole thread before selectivey quoting.

As for your 2nd comment, EVERY SINGLE pakistani is aware of the shortcomings in our country and whilst the PIA captains behaviour is deplorable, was it really neccessary to cross post it in another forum and create even more adverse views of pakistan???
We need to discuss and eliminate the evils in our society, and this is done in the vast majority of Pak forums, so no we dont need to highlight it in western forums when we are trying to better the image of the country, especially since rthe views of the captain are not indicative of the majority of the country, a point reflective in the vast postings in this thread.
My personal view is the moron who cross posted the thread is a weak self hating indivdual, who only did to make out as if he is a good two shoes, when in reality he is just a sad sel hater, probaly ashamed to be a PAKISTANI and wanna be gora worshipper :P :wink: :wink:
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Post by alm »

Pls advice me...
OK... he (The Captain) didn´t want to eat. Maybe he was fed up (not hungry. How long was the flight?). I can´t believe that he refused to eat beacuse the circumstance that servising personal hadn´t washed his hands. (Am I correct?). Couldn´t captain drink some coffe?

Or something...

Was the cabinworker perhaps oversensitive? I don´t know.

Best regards

Last edited by alm on Sun Nov 19, 2006 7:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by alm »

Last edited by alm on Sun Nov 19, 2006 7:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hi

Post by Che »

alm wrote:Pls advice me...
OK... he (The Captain) didn´t want to eat. Maybe he was fed up (not hungry. How long was the flight?). I can´t believe that he refused to eat beacuse the circumstance that servising personal hadn´t washed his hands. (Am I correct?). Couldn´t captain drink some coffe?

Or something...

Was the cabinworker perhaps oversensitive? I don´t know.

I´m a firstofficer at SAS (Scandinavian Airlines) in Sweden, with 7000h (5500 hrs on 737NG).

Best regards

Niclas Almqvist
Alm exactly, what if the captain refused to eat based on reasons which had nothing to do with flight attendant's religion...At this point, its all speculation and we don't know all the facts...but people with agendas have used this incident to start proselytizing their views and deriding the captain and others rather obliquely for reasons which have little relevance in this case...
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Post by Moin »

At this point, all we can do is speculate. This Urdupoint is something I have never heard of, so taking their word for it will be a little difficult. Now if it appeared in Jang, that could be considered a more reliable source of information as its the widest read daily in the country.

If what is said is indeed true, then it is indeed a very sorry state of affairs and a rather pathetic excuse for some holier than thou individual wanting to demonstrate his piousness. Every educated person, or even those with a basic knowledge of Islam would know that such behaviour is unacceptable. If the meal you are being served is halal, what difference does it make if its served to you by a Hindu, Jew or Buddhist? This captain, who obviously has been flying with the airline for quite sometime, seeing that he's a 747 pilot, would be expected to have mentally broadened his horizons and not just rely on what he sees outside his cockpit window. There must have been hundreds of flights he's made with non-muslim crew members serving him, so why go and act in such an immature and infantile manner is beyond me.

If he is so pious and concerned about muslim and non-muslim issues, then he should get himself a ground job. After all why should he subjected to flying equipment manufactured by christians and jews and fly to other non-muslim countries? This is discrimination of the highest order and if it is indeed true, then he needs a thorough dressing down for what he did. Sadly though I doubt if that will ever happen. If he's fired, he'll file a case for reinstatement and use the whole 'Muslim' issue as his defence: Being fired because he was just being a good muslim, and the chances are he'll most probably get his job back, but his attitude will not change.

Such people choose to project themselves as true bonafide muslims only when it suits them. They commit such acts for public display but behind the scenes they are most certainly not averse to lying, cheating and stealing as and when its convenient to them. In other words, they are hypocrites.
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Post by SalamPaks »

Moin wrote:If he is so pious and concerned about muslim and non-muslim issues, then he should get himself a ground job. After all why should he subjected to flying equipment manufactured by christians and jews and fly to other non-muslim countries?
Agree fully, but fow would he get to work without driving a vehicle designed and built by Shinto workers?

This story may be true or it may be a fabrication - but if it is true, it demonstrates an outrageous sense of superiority by the captain. His behaviour should be condemned.