Share info & photos related to PIA and Pakistan aviation collectible items like stickers, airline safety cards, postcards, in-flight music, art work, modified photos and other miscellaneous Pakistan aviation related hobbies.
do u have anymore in PIA livery? if so can you post images on here i would like to see please. how big are these stickers? how do you present them do you just stick them on the wall or...?
samee380 wrote:do u have anymore in PIA livery? if so can you post images on here i would like to see please.
Yes I have a couple in the old livery, but those are the A300 stickers. Give me a few days to scan them up and post.
samee380 wrote:how big are these stickers?.
Need to measure up, but a rough guess is 8 inches by 3.5 inches. Not small as shown in the scan.
samee380 wrote:how do you present them do you just stick them on the wall or...?
Never stuck them to anything. Worth more if there still attached to there backing paper. Mine are stored with my collection of Air Force patches in air tight boxes.
samee380 wrote:will you be interested in selling some to me?
I will try contacting this guy to see if he has any spares, but they won't be cheap.
Last edited by ashamim on Thu Sep 14, 2006 9:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The old design is easy to find on Ebay. The last picture I borrowed from there [Ebay] to save time doing the scans. Set being sold for just under 10 quid.
nope im going to put it on the background where my models are (shelf). just to add a little art. i have ordered some from ebay PIA 777 will take pics and show you