Registrations for PIA's new Boeing 777-340ERs & -240ER

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Post by Moin »

These are computer generated pics I think.
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Post by PK777 »

samee380 wrote:PK777 do u think them 777's are models made by GJ :lol: :lol: :lol:
only joking!!!!!!!!!!!!
Im not lol I really wish they were!!!!!!! One can only dream 8) :lol: :lol:
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Post by Charliedelta11 »

some one mentioned earlier that SIA's 773's are powered by Rolls royce engines , wont the swap be some what unfair then ? Since PIA's 772LR's are GE 120's , or is the power rating of the rolls on the 773's the same ?

and..if PIA does go forward with procuring these 773's , wont it make life difficult for the engineers who will have to work on both rolls and GE engines for the 773's only ? Plus , theres the process of getting spares for these 2 engines...wont it be simpler to get aircraft with the same engines ?

and i wanted to know if the LR engines comply with the engines on GE powered 773's...can parts be interchanged ?
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Post by samee380 »

wouldnt like this SIA rumour to be true and as its a rumour i dont think it will ever happen. i like the LR's
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Post by nutsforplanes »

Charliedelta11 wrote:

some one mentioned earlier that SIA's 773's are powered by Rolls royce engines , wont the swap be some what unfair then ? Since PIA's 772LR's are GE 120's , or is the power rating of the rolls on the 773's the same ?
Both the 772LR and 773ER come only with GE engines. The GE90-115B on the 773ER is only derated for the 200LR through software programming. In fact the GE90-115B holds the world record for the highest thrust for any engine. Its been bench tested 127,500 lbs thrust.

200LR GE90-110B rated at 110,100 lbs thrust
300ER GE90-115B rated at 115,300 lbs thrust ... oduct.html
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Post by Moin »

Yes, all 773ER's come with GE90's. The rest of SIA's 772's and 773's have RR Trents, so that should pose no problem for the airline.

If this swap does take place, I'm curious as to how many a/c are involved. For the 2 LR's, will PIA get 2 773ER's or 3? If the 773ER is more expensive than the LR and they swap 2 for 2, then PIA might have to pay something on top of it to SIA. As these LR's may not end up fulfilling PIA's original plans i.e. nonstop Pak-USA flights, it might be a good idea to get the 300ER in place of them because if the 300ER is being sought after as a potential replacement for the 6 743's then 3 a/c (the original number of 300ER's ordered) would not be enough. They would need at least 6 300ER's to replace the 6 743's.

Is it also confirmed now that out of the original 777 order for 8 a/c (3 200ER, 2 200LR and 3 300ER) we are only getting 1 more 200ER on lease bringing the total numer to 9 777's? I recall it was mentioned that 1 or 2 more LR's were being ordered, which I'm sure could be changed to 300ER.
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Post by sAAd »

As faar as i know, BOEING has given PIA free repairs and spare parts for atleast one of the LRs, and also something similar for the other to compensate for their worse than expected performance. This is for the entire life of the aircrafts. If they are sold to SQ, will the above agreement between PK and B be passed onto SQ or not??