I just found a book (Encyclopedia of International Aviation) given to me on my 12th birthday (1978) and inside contained some pictures I had pasted as a kid. These pictures were pasted a good 28 years ago, so the quality might not be perfect.
Well enjoy them.
Picture Of PIA DC-10-30 probably landing at Karachi.
DC-10 Stickers given to me in the mid 1970s,
Picture Of PIA DC-3 In Chitral probably 1950s or 60s.
PIA 747 Post Card from the 1970s.
Picture Of PIA 720B AP-AMG
The picture of the DC-3 and 720B came from the book.
A part of PIA history.
Last edited by Amaad Lone on Wed Jun 07, 2006 7:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
In PIA's 1960s livery, aircraft used on domestic flights like DC-3s and Vickers Viscounts had 'Pakistan International' titles in Urdu script on aircraft's port side and in Bangla script on starboard side.
Port side of Vickers Viscount 815 (AP-AJF) with 'Pakistan International' in Urdu script.
Starboard side of Vickers Viscount 815 (AP-AJE) with 'Pakistan International' in Bangla script.