Global Spirit?

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hasan saleem
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Global Spirit?

Post by hasan saleem »

According to, its a "Failed project" and the status of the airline is "extinct". Can anyone confirm ? member globalspirit could confirm ?
Amaad Lone
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Post by Amaad Lone »

Just like I always predicted, they sounded like a fraud from the first day.

The people who announced this airline probably need some cheap publicity for something, like local elections or attention for their business.

Spend a dollar in registering an airline, and get ten dollars worth of free publicity through the media for their other businesses.

Once that mission was accomplished, the publicity was done, no need for the mellodramatic named airline.

Like I said before, its in heaven, where it always belonged.

Sorry GS people, justed hated the name.

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Post by Falcon598 »

I also don't see them ever flying. I also hated the name, it had nothing do to with PK or UK or anything. Oh well just another airline fraud,
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Post by globalspirit »

Forum Members,

Global Spirit Update

In response to the various postings I would like to make the below very clear to you all;

1 - Global Spirit is not a fraud nor have we misled any member of the public in regards to our setup. We are a bonified and legitimate company.

2 - As stated in my previous posting to this forum that the reason for not to date commencing operation is due to licensing issues with the UK CAA. The UK CAA has enforced us to have our own ATOL licence to operate for consumer protection. Those not is the UK ATOL stands for Air Travel Organisers Licence. This is the legislation in the UK that any operator selling in the UK must hold this licence so all consumer funds are protected. Since the demise of SWEFLY the UK see the whole operation as an extremely high risk operation and before they grant us this licence they want to dot all the i's and cross all the t's. You can confirm our application to the UK CAA if you go onto the following link; ... ageid=2335

3 - We are committed to this project and will continue to do so. By the grace of the allmighty we will launch as soon as we are granted this license. We are not an airline who want to not protect its passengers and want to launch this airline will the full blessing of the UK CAA. I am sure consumers will want the complete peace of mind since the demise of SWEFLY.

4 - As far as the name it's a personal choice. Some people absolutely love it others don't.

5 - For the record Global Spirit is not linked to any political organisation nor do we have any links to any parties. We are commercially minded people.

On a final note I would like to add that We are trying our best and we are a legitimate and bonified company. We are not fraud's or crooks. So I would not appreciate such comments without factual information.

Please don't hesitate to ask any questions we regulary visit this forum.

Thank You

Global Spirit
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Post by Falcon598 »

Thank you very much for clearing everything up. I and everyone else appreciates it. I would like to ask you if you could keep us updated on GS Airlines. Thanks.
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Post by PK777 »

Interesting info globalspirit !! :wink:

Thankyou for the update and do keep us posted on any latest goings on in GSA :D

Hopefully once the airline is up and running, what long term plans to do you have i.e. routes, aircraft, hubs etc ??
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Post by Aer Pakistan »

good to see that GS still in line and hopefully see GS flying to Pakistan.
Muhammad Ali - London - UK

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Post by Abbas Ali »

Thank you globalspirit for the update, we really appreciate it very much. Our best wishes are with you and hope to see Global Spirit Airlines operating flights to Pakistan very soon.
Dil Dil Pakistan... Jaan Jaan Pakistan

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