Dear members of History of PIA Forum.
It is necessary to impose several rules and guidelines in order to maintain a healthy and thriving forum environment for visitors of all age groups. With over 200 registered members from different parts of Pakistan and all over the world we have reached a point where diversity, age, education, location and more are all factors to consider when participating in our forum. We want to promote a clean, healthy, respectful atmosphere where people are not afraid to ask questions, participate in this forum and generally have a good time discussing the things we love most – PIA & Aviation. All of these rules are fairly common sense, and we hope that you take the time to read them fully.
To participate in our Forum, you must agree to abide by our rules. Please note that failure to comply with these rules may result in your posting privileges being revoked.
Please Read Carefully.
Basic Rules:
1. You have to register (with a valid & active e-mail address) to be able to post and reply to this forum.
2. Be polite and have fun, and remember: You only get one chance to leave a first impression!
3. As a member of forum you are expected to post in a way that does not cause discomfort to other forum members. Always display a positive, friendly attitude. Treat others as you would wish to be treated.
4. Please keep foul language to a minimum. Remember, there may be minors seeing forum content, either over the shoulder of forum members or from use of their own accounts.
5. Do not post messages which are abusive, defamatory, obscene, vulgar, threatening, of a sexual nature or that invade a person's privacy in any way.
6. Do not to use forum to post messages which give false or inaccurate information.
7. Do not purposefully derail threads.
8. No profanity or lewd suggestive language. An occasional "damn" or "hell" is OK.
9. Do not use our forum to promote hatred and intolerance of people because of their religion, race, color, creed, national origin, gender, or sexual preference.
10. We take the "Be Polite" rule very seriously! We do not tolerate any rudeness. Any member who is intentionally unpleasant or disruptive may be banned without warning.
11. You also agree that administration of forum may edit, censor, delete or otherwise modify any message you post.
12. Please do not use ALL CAPS when posting messages. Many Internet people consider all caps to be like “shouting†at someone.
13. Please do not use forum to request for or share information like aircraft registration or crew names before departure of a flight. For flight safety reasons such information before departure of a flight is for airline use only and is not for general public. Forum admin reserves right to delete posts/topics requesting or sharing such information.
14. English is the main language of communication on this forum so please make your posts in English. One or two lines of text in non-English are okay but whole post in non-English is not acceptable.
15. Forum members involved in exchanging, buying or selling things like aviation hobby items from each other do it at their own risk. Forum administration will not be responsible for loss or damage incurred due to any such deals between members.
No Swearing:
There are going to be topics and discussions that will have heated debates. Please think before you post and re-read what you type before you post it. Excessive use of swear words will not be tolerated. Keep your comments limited to the debate at hand and not make this a personal issue between you and another reader. Debates are great, as long as they remain respectful!
Personal Issues:
This forum is not a place to resolve "personal issues". If you break this rule, we may be forced to ban you from posting. If you have a complaint or personal issue with a specific forum member, please resolve it with him/her directly.
No Flames:
We understand that everyone has a right to their own opinions; however, if you disagree strongly with someone, please do not post nasty messages for all to read. Please respect other members and what they have to say, even if you disagree. If you do not agree with someone's post, you may address it in a civilized manner.
Trolling is strictly prohibited. Trolling is an Internet term that means you're not posting to actually start or participate in a good discussion, but simply to anger a lot of posters and start a large flame war.
Personal Information:
Forum administration respects your privacy and will never ask for personal information i.e. phone numbers, photos, credit card information, home addresses, etc.. Conversely, we suggest that you not reveal any of your personal information on our forum. Should you willingly disclose your personal information on forum or to a member through Private Message, forum administration is not responsible for any damages incurred.
No Personal Attacks:
Please refrain from petty bickering and personal attacks, being rude to other members as well as being condescending to the younger members just because they are younger than you. Personal attacks includes but not limited to calling a member idiot, moron, jackass etc. Remember that everyone has the right to voice his or her opinion regardless on whether or not you agree with it. Posts harassing or threatening other forum members will not be tolerated. Furthermore, posts embarrassing or containing unwanted information about other board members may be edited or removed at the request of the affected individual(s).
Abusive Members:
If a situation arises where another member is spamming the forums or being abusive you are not to respond in a similar fashion. Instead report the post to administration of the forum who will in turn take the required action against the member.
Multiple User Names:
Multiple usernames are not allowed. If a member is found to have multiple usernames they will be deleted.
Forum Abuse:
Please remember that children have access to this forum and we demand that this is fully respected at all times. Forum administration will not tolerate deliberate abuse, indecent material, or potentially harmful comments. Any content that includes foul language, pornographic content, or that promotes pornography, racism, or any illegal activities will be removed.
“Bad Mouthing†People:
Forum administration will not tolerate "bad mouthing" any individuals. For the purpose of this statement our interpretation of "bad mouthing" would be instances of personal insult, defamation of character, unfounded rumour-spreading, offensive name-calling or swearing, and any instance whereby a person's privacy is seriously violated. If we receive reports of this happening we may take appropriate action at our discretion.
No Spam/Thread Bumping:
Spamming, i.e. posting the same topic or reply multiple times will not be tolerated. If you accidentally post a message multiple times, click the edit icon on the duplicate post(s) and then, on the edit screen, type 'Duplicate Post' in message box.
To avoid being called a spammer, you should be careful what you post. Posting completely useless crap is considered spam. Any useless overuse of emoticons (smileys) and one word posts like "lol ", “okayâ€ÂÂ, “yeahâ€ÂÂ, “huhâ€ÂÂ, “wow†or even "cool!" are also considered spam.
So-called "thread bumping", i.e. bringing a topic back to the top of the topic listing by posting a useless reply (like "bump"), is neither constructive nor necessary. If people are interested in a particular topic, they will reply to it, thus conveniently keeping topics of interest near the top of the post list.
Post Count:
You are not your post count. Please don't post messages like "Yay! 1000 posts" cause no one cares. It's about quality, not quantity. We don’t give prizes for the most useless posts. Please no useless posting to increase your post count.
No Impersonations:
Impersonating other forum members will not be tolerated and result in the removal of the offending post(s), as well as the account of the offending poster. You agree not to create an account to impersonate any person or entity that is not yourself. This extends in particular to creating accounts using the same or similar Nick Name as any other member of the forum.
Individual Opinions:
You are solely responsible for any messages you post. By submitting comments or reading comments posted by individuals on this forum you understand that forum administration does not necessarily agree with nor support the views expressed.
Freedom of Speech:
We believe in freedom of speech and will accept any comments regardless of the views expressed so long as they comply with the other rules as set out here.
Private Messages:
This forum has a feature called 'Private Message'. If you want to talk to somebody on the forum personally, use this feature instead of creating a thread that's essentially useless to other people. To use it, just click on the 'PM' icon above somebody's post.
Abusing the Private Messaging system consists of chronic abuse against another member over the system or flooding other users' PM boxes with useless, junk private messages in an attempt to fill their boxes over the limit. These kinds of immature actions will not be tolerated.
Private messages are not monitored or examined. If you are suffering any abuse through the forum private message system you are advised to send a private message to the administration of the forum and advised NOT to delete any abusive messages you have received. There will be no harassment of members using the PM system. The administration reserves the right to investigate claims of harassment.
Avatars are the small pictures that appear under your name in each of your posts. Avatar images must be 90x90 pixels or smaller, with a file size of no more than 15 KB. Furthermore, avatars of pornographic or otherwise offensive nature will not be tolerated. We reserve the right to remove any avatars violating these rules.
No excessively large images in signatures are allowed. This makes the pages load very slow for our dial up users and can impact overall forum layout. The maximum signature image/banner dimensions are 500x100 pixels. To determine your image's dimensions, simply right click over the image and view its properties. The administration reserves the right to ask any member to limit the size of their signature. We reserve the right to remove any signatures violating these rules.
Each forum user may have 1 (one) signature image that falls within the size limits mentioned above. Using oversized or extremely large text and fonts in signature is also prohibited. Members who use an image in their signature are allowed only 2 lines of default sized text, regardless of the size of the image. Members who do not use images in their signatures are allowed 4 lines of default sized text.
Note on Registration:
We ask our visitors to register with us before posting a message on this forum. After registering with a user name and valid email address, check your email and you should find you've been sent an e-mail requesting your response for the activation of your user account. Sometimes there is a few hours' delay between the submission of the registration form and sending of e-mail requiring your response for activation of your account, so please be patient. The whole process does not take more than 3 days to complete. Without these steps your membership cannot be activated, and you will not be able to post.
If you wish to complain about the conduct of another user or a message posted by another user then please email forum administration at, stating the nature of the offending message, the username of the message author, and where to find the message. We will investigate all complaints and if we find that the offending message has breached our rules then we will take appropriate action at our discretion. Decisions made by forum administration are final, and any thread started relating to administration’s decision will be deleted. If you have a problem, contact the administration via PMs or e-mail at .
Forum Moderation:
We frequently review forum messages for those that are in violation of rules. Any messages found to be in violation may be deleted without warning or explanation. We also reserve the right to ban any user, at any time, and for any reason.
Threads or replies that do not comply with our guidelines may be locked, edited, or deleted, depending on the nature of the offense. We will make every effort to state why such action was taken via private message, e-mail, and/or administration reply in the offending thread.
Considering the real-time nature of this forum, it is impossible for us to review all messages posted. Any user who feels that a posted message is objectionable is encouraged to contact administration immediately by email or Private Message. We have the ability to remove objectionable messages and will make every effort to do so, within a reasonable time frame, if determined that removal is necessary. This is a manual process, however, so please realize that we may not be able to remove or edit particular messages immediately.
Banning Procedure:
The forum will be run upon a 3-strike rule:
1. First offence - warning via private message, e-mail, and/or administration reply in the offending thread.
2. Second offence - 7-day lock of your ID.
3. Third offence - longer ID locks, possibly permanent.
Please realize that the nature of the offense will determine the action to be taken. If the violation is extreme enough, or has been repeated enough times in the past, a member can have his/her ID locked immediately and permanently without any kind of warning.
Unbanning of members:
Banned members could apply for un-banning if the following conditions are fulfilled:
1. Anyone requesting for unban must agree not to break the rules again.
2. If anyone is being hurt/attacked before, the one who is requesting the unban needs to give his/her apology.
If you wished to be unbanned, please send an email to, stating that you agree for the above terms. The forum members will go through a voting process. If more than 66% of the forum members agree for the unban, you can come back to the forum as a normal member.
Please remember that we do not actively monitor the contents of posted messages and are not responsible for any messages posted. We do not vouch for or warrant the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any message, and are not responsible for the contents of any message. The messages express the views of the author of the message, not necessarily the views of
Rules can and will be changed and added as needed. It is your responsibility to check back occasionally to see if the rules have changed.
Thank you, and have a great time here!
The Management.
History of PIA – Pakistan International Airlines
Forum Rules
- Site Admin
- Posts: 54332
- Joined: Thu Aug 05, 2004 6:52 pm
- Location: Pakistan