PIA Air Hostess filmed swearing at a passenger inflight

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PIA Air Hostess filmed swearing at a passenger inflight

Post by PK777 »

Thing is passengers on PIA flights do not know how to behave either so who know's what the story is behind this video.

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Re: PIA Air Hostess filmed swearing at a passenger inflight

Post by Nasir »

Yes, this is making the rounds on Facebook. The thing is, a crew member is bound by company contract as to their behavior towards passengers. No such contract binds a passenger. That is why in my opinion, the airhostess is in the wrong. There probably were a number of different ways this situation could've been handled- and the airhostess chose the wost possible way to handle it.
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Re: PIA Air Hostess filmed swearing at a passenger inflight

Post by PK777 »

OMG is it spreading like wild fire! lol

I do agree with you Nasir, there is protocol - I thought they were trained for such incidences.

I guess that person must have really p£$%d her off or maybe she must have really been having a bad day!
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Re: PIA Air Hostess filmed swearing at a passenger inflight

Post by Abbas Ali »

The video does not tell the whole story as we don't know what the passenger said to the flight attendant that provoked her although it's not clear whether those remarks were uttered by the flight attendant or by some other lady passenger on the aircraft. But those two flight attendants do look disturbed/upset.

In case of encountering a trouble creating passenger, flight attendants should report presence of such passenger to their senior crew member and let him/her settle the issue sensibly instead of getting involved in personal fight.

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Re: PIA Air Hostess filmed swearing at a passenger inflight

Post by lincolndriver97 »

lets just say, PIA ZINDABAD
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Re: PIA Air Hostess filmed swearing at a passenger inflight

Post by Moin »

With that going on, who needs IFE??
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PK airhostess swearing at a passenger

Post by baberblues »

Just seen this on Anet where someone has posted a video on a PK flight to MAN from ISB where a PK airhostess loses the plot at a male passanger, some abusive words are used, anyone have more info?!

watch the clip below :

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Re: PK airhostess swearing at a passenger

Post by ammad »

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Re: PK airhostess swearing at a passenger

Post by fatah »

Most probably not the fault of the airhostess. Some of our countrymen are absolutely shameless. They think women in the workplace have a right to be sexually harassed. I once was flying from JFK to Pakistan on a flight which had originated in Toronto. On that flight was the famous musician Ustad Hamid Ali Khan and his trio. They were all drunk out of their minds, and one of his supporting musician actually started to harass a female passenger. I and the steward had to intervene to save the lady from humiliation. The guy then had the audacity to start abusing us, before other passengers joined us to physically seat him and belt him up. Lucky for the drunk idiot, that he went to sleep, because the steward told me that if he were to create any more trouble, then they would get him arrested on landing in Frankfurt.
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Re: PK airhostess swearing at a passenger

Post by SalamPaks »

There's something to be said for a foulmouthed babe, but I'll tell you what concerns me... why is there no IFE screen in that aisle seat back?
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Re: PIA Air Hostess filmed swearing at a passenger inflight

Post by Abbas Ali »

The same video was posted by forum member 'PK777' in another topic in 'PIA & Pakistan Aviation Videos Forum' section of forum some days ago. I've merged the two topics.

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Re: PK airhostess swearing at a passenger

Post by irfanjaffry »

SalamPaks wrote:There's something to be said for a foulmouthed babe, but I'll tell you what concerns me... why is there no IFE screen in that aisle seat back?
This is perhaps the last row with 3-3-3 configuration at the back of aircraft. After this there is 2-3-2 configuration hence the extra seat in front does not have the IFE.
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Re: PIA Air Hostess filmed swearing at a passenger inflight

Post by Pineapple »

Guys. The video does not make it very clear if the words are being said by the flight attendants. It is hard to decide which one among the group of women has said it.

Possibly the incident is due to a male, misbehaving steerage-class flyer.
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Re: PIA Air Hostess filmed swearing at a passenger inflight

Post by nopy99 »

Have watched this a couple of times and it would appear that the swearing is being directed by the lady with the black dupatta and towards a fellow "ganga" passenger.

The crew seem not to be involved in the altercation at all btu seem to be trying to calm it down. The air hostess is seen speaking on camera "app jaiye" to her colleauge and the voice is clearly different to the swearing.
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Re: PIA Air Hostess filmed swearing at a passenger inflight

Post by Moin »

The person posting the video claims its one of the cabin crew and I think it was that plump woman who was told by her senior colleague to go away and that was probably why she was told to leave.
Moin Abbasi