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Hi guys, does anyone know where I can find the PIA drinking glass, as shown in this picture, I've looked all online but cant find it anywhere...any ideas?
Perhaps next time someone flies they can snatch one from the cabin
Its high time they replaced those hideous looking Toyo Nasic drinking glasses with that logo on it with something more elegant and lightweight. Those glasses are pretty heavy and they could save lot of weight if they replaced them with something lighter and more attractive.
been looking for this for quite a while but dont seem to find it, anyone know where I can get one from, ebay doesnt have it either, Perhaps someone in Pakistan has access to these, as I know in Pakistan the jeweler shops have the PIA meal dishes, so maybe someone can get this glass? I will gladly pay for any inconvenience and postage
fly1346 wrote:Hi guys, does anyone know where I can find the PIA drinking glass, as shown in this picture, I've looked all online but cant find it anywhere...any ideas?
Perhaps next time someone flies they can snatch one from the cabin