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Post by PIA10141 »

Honestly, I don't think you guyz have any authentic proof that would prove SM's involvement in criminal activities so please stop it with the false accusations. I have seen SM on this forum from the past 2 years I believe, and judging from the person he is, I personally don't think that he's done any criminal activities. As far as selling PIA stuff goes, then you can go onto eBay and you'll be surprised to see people selling so much stuff over there, even PIA cups that they provide inflight and selling them is probably not illegal, cuz PIA would've found out by now and took action....
Mohsin Naseem - PIA10141
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Post by Abbas Ali »

1) Personal attacks and cheap remarks are unacceptable on this forum. Forum is for discussion in sensible and decent manner.

2) Multiple user accounts are not allowed on this forum. User account sunny has been deactivated because user accounts sunny and rashad546 have been identified as multiple user accounts. Further violation will result in deactivation of all user accounts used by same person.

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Post by rashad546 »

listen abas and pia 1041
i dont wana discuss anymore of sm. your friends started it and it will continue if he donst keep his mouth in on peace it like basketball here.
so i just finished it.

abbas you should also tell your friend sm and you should also give him warning for this kind of stuff, this is a place for discusion on hobbies. i just post my videos to get views on what poeple think on vr pakistan. i dont come here to get views from bad people what they think
deleteing a friends acount is really silly as he lives in the same house as me! you people should really liven up.

if you wana delete this account you can it only proves that this website is for bad people!

so no more discussions and let me get on with my project! and bring my friends account back abbas hes upset! :? sunny is my assistant designer in this project just thought id let you know!
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Post by PIA10141 »

wow... how old r u?? seriously...... :x

dude, w/e SM said was true, that u cant release the stuff u made, unless u have license for it, he was just letting u know!!! U took his comment in a negative way for some reason and made a big fuss out of it...

this is why I keep my activities very low on HOP these days, as every now and then, a new user starts a "war" between people...
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Post by rashad546 »

oh look here we go again heres another one should i show you my licenec and certificate. what do you people want take of my underwear seriouly you ppl are sick!

I come here to post stuff on my projects if you dont want me hear say so i will leave and join in the american forums at least my work is appreciated theire!

your pia loss not mine!
if you say you dont seroiusly believe then i say i dont seriously believe in you guys because i think like you guys .so lets not make issue of it. if you dont want me heear say so bbecause most of the ple here are fs2004 flightsimers not fsx!
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Post by PIA10141 »

again, ur taking my comment in a negative way instead of an advice.... stop making a fuss out of it man... and calm down...

and wat do u mean by "your pia loss"?? This forum has nothing to gain or lose from any member.... so please, use that line somewhere else.... :roll:
Mohsin Naseem - PIA10141
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Post by rashad546 »

who are you to talk to me? dont know you !
and i dont wana discuss your friend and his illigal activities so from now this discussion end hopefully otherwise we will be here all day playing tennis! :)
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Re: hi

Post by Salal »

SM wrote:
rashad546 wrote:hi Sm the project isnt fuly complete yet as i have managed 12 cities and im still expanding! maybe in 1yrs time i would have expanded to more cities! only then i will release on Blue Ray its gona be blue ray format!

You need

1) Powerfulle machiine setup with card.
2) blue ray drive
3) fs global x terrain installed and flight environment extreme or real environment extreme to bring vr pakistan to life. im uploading my next video tomorrow VFR islamabad you get to see what real environment extreme is like in VR pakistan.
Hi Rashad,

I have a powerful machine and 17 years of flight simming experience :). Is there a way I can get the 12 cities that you have already produced?

You cannot release this stuff commercially since your collection is based on stolen imagery from Google Earth and organizations like Google, DigitalGlobe, USGS, Europa etc will be after you very soon if you did so.

actaully mr SM my good sir. let me say this.. selling this may not be a good idea or watevr, that im not sure of. but u say his collection is based on ''stolen imagery'', i would like to say that ur totally wrong on that front. he didnt steal that. those maps are there for this kind of thing and for many other usefull things. if i take a bit of imagery from googleearth and use it in my class to show my hosue to a friend, does that mean im stealing from there? no.

--selling part im not sure, but taking imagery off googleearth? no its not stealing.
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Post by Salal »

PIA10141 wrote:wow... how old r u?? seriously...... :x

dude, w/e SM said was true, that u cant release the stuff u made, unless u have license for it, he was just letting u know!!! U took his comment in a negative way for some reason and made a big fuss out of it...

this is why I keep my activities very low on HOP these days, as every now and then, a new user starts a "war" between people...
rashad took his comment in a negative way cuz he used the phrase ''stolen imagery''. i too would get upset if sumone says i stole sumting i have not. again i will say that the snaps he is making the scneries with ARE NOT STOLEN. and about selling without license? im sure rashad knew about that. no need for reminders. ''releasing'' dont necesarily mean selling.
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Post by PIA10141 »

wow im just gonna end this here, Its just impossible to explain to you and ur friends... or well, maybe you since it seems like u have multiple IDs Rashad.... :roll:
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Post by Salal »

PIA10141 wrote:wow im just gonna end this here, Its just impossible to explain to you and ur friends... or well, maybe you since it seems like u have multiple IDs Rashad.... :roll:
yes exacly end it here. theres is no need for explaining anyting. why the hell do u think rashad has multiple ids? this is right here is a friend of his talking. and im saying wat im saying not cuz he is my friend, but cuz it needs to be said since wat was said before by a certain someone was WRONG.
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Post by SM »

Salal wrote:
PIA10141 wrote:wow im just gonna end this here, Its just impossible to explain to you and ur friends... or well, maybe you since it seems like u have multiple IDs Rashad.... :roll:
yes exacly end it here. theres is no need for explaining anyting. why the hell do u think rashad has multiple ids? this is right here is a friend of his talking. and im saying wat im saying not cuz he is my friend, but cuz it needs to be said since wat was said before by a certain someone was WRONG.
Hi Salal,

I have been refraining from writing something here as my feedback is not being taken in the intended spirit.

Being a technology entrepreneur with a GIS background, I have several years of experience dealing with cartographic vector and raster data for Fortune 500 companies and government agencies. Having said this, you may want to read Google Earth's terms of use as well as that of Google Maps. The use to which Rashad is applying this data is simply not permitted by the terms of use agreement.

This also highlights the fact that people often press the "I agree" button when installing new software such as Google Earth without reading the terms of use in detail; so I would strongly recommend all of you to have a look it when you get a chance. Furthermore, to add to your knowledge, companies often pay hundreds of thousands of dollars just to get a single corporate enterprise license for internal use of the meter or sub-meter resolution raster data and this usually does not include redistribution.

If Rashad was using 15-meter or lower resolution Landsat data, this would have not have been an issue since that data comes with a lot less stricter terms of use and has more recently been classified as an artifact in public domain. Unfortunately this does not apply to the meter or sub-meter imagery that Rashad is currently using.

I hope this adds more substance to what I am trying to convey.

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Post by rashad546 »

SM is lying out of his teeth . I have no links with google earth or google services their is now way on this earth to get google images! thus sm likes making false acusation samee is a lyer and a fraud on this channel as i know how sattelite stuff and maping services give you maps if you pay them. their are legal mapping services out there not google related mapping services online where you pay them fee to do projects which is legal if you pay them the world knows this so should you! mapping services charge you fee fro your personal projects!

i declare i have nothing to do with googls. sameee is lying out of his arse and thats thats.

samee can make all the alegations he wants. i know when im right.
i know that you samee in the flightsim market on how to make photographic imagery. so please stop lying.

your only worried because you steal from pia make millions selling stuff with out pia permissions making pia models selling without pia permissions youo dont even have a licenece i know thats !

Mr samee likes to make these alegaations is a big theif he also makes these satelites images himself he has experinece and i dont. even i know its impossible to steal from google beacausei dont know how to do that. like samee said he has experience in studying satelite imagery he has more knowledge how to steal satrelite imagery from google. i dont eeven know how to do that!

samee can you explain how to steal from google because i dont ! pple want to know because you have the experience you tell people how to do it in real life!
samee tels people how to steal for fligthsimers underground! because he says he has years of experience in landsat!

i dont even have that experience stealing! samee steals and steal from pia sells millions on ebay seels his experienec as well to fligtsimmers we all know what your up to samee .

Everyone let me say this as far as my knowledge goes their is now way on this planet to steal images from google they have secure server! only an issider who work their can do that! i dont worj their and i have no contacts or knowledege and i dont want any knowledge because thats illigal! in sthat right samee :)

samee talks out of his arse alot he knows hes in trouble with the authorites for selling illigal pia stuff thats why hes making false remarke to make other people look bad who are doing legal stuff not illigal.

I declare i have nothing to do with google as its impossible and illigal!

Now samee stop trying to change the subject now lets talk about millions you steal from microsoft and aerosoft and you sell in private aound the world all that illigal stuff you have on your computer behind microsoft and aerosoft back you and your dirty dealing we all know about it how you made thousand of dollars selling their stuff. now plaz explain how you did these illigal things?

atleast i dont do illigal i dont even know how to steal!
mr samee making thousand who knows millions undercover we all kknow that ppl have been talking about it your friends friends pasing on the information to me would you like t explain all this to us? hmm! :?

Even as a pia model trader and maker you need licenece or permission from pia to sell their stuff becasue it has pia copyright written on it you cant sell pia stuff and make money on it PIA has their own right they can sue you for that samee!

any company can sue a trader whether they are on ebay selling stuff whith their trade name written on it without the companies permission!
and think of all that Tax fraud you owe as well i can imagine you owe then what thousands maybe millions if you get caught!
as its none-of my business of your illigal activities so dont blame me if you get caught.

as far as im concerened samee i want no talking dialogue with you because you do illigal activities. i make good friends with good people who trade fairly legally. on of my friends tried to buy your goods then later changed his mind when he found out your product is illigal ass in trading also when i had look at your collection samee even i was tempted to buy them then realised dealing with thieves gets good people into trouble!

you wana make acusations you can all your life but it it gona stop as we all know of your illigal activities .

this topic should end here im a fligthsim designer and will be designing alot of stuff legally and fairly for the fligtsim community!

regards to all fligthsimers.
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Post by captain_salman »

I already got heart-broken from HOPIA when Abbas blocked my very good freind Zaheer :( everybody needs a space in life, nobody has the right to criticize a person's work or creation etc. If rashad has made a virtual Pakistan scenery for fellow Pakistani flight simmers it was for the good of other virtual pilots, no for the bad of it....he spent hundred of hours in effort to create it and some people just cannot accept the fact that he has made the best Pakistani scenery exisiting at the moment in the world! This portray mere jalousy because either their computers are not advanced enough to hold these kind of next generation add-ons or they are simply one of those anti-pakistani controversial people [-( .

There is not copy-rights for various mapping services, Google is just a vendor, there are couple of imagery providers what Google has joined in with. There is no such thing as stealing what so ever the reason, VFR UK is made by a private individuals, I have the VFR UK complete package of 6 DVDs and I cannot see any disclaimer in the leaflet!! Than how can it be ''stealing'' ?? :?:

If any one of you do not like the musch efforted work of Rashad than simply do not critise him for what he has created. If any one can not appreciate than don't, but nobody has given you rights to offend a person like that! [-X

I see HOPIA is getting saturated with like-minded people, and i fear HOPIA will one day loose many good members for simple reasons that they think differently? after Zaheer was blocked I felt so sad for my friend as I knew how he really was and he was one gem of a friend! Worst part is that he cannot even view HOPIA as the admin might have blocked his IP address I presume! This is some extent of bullying is it not? I myself never critisized ANYBODY ever here in HOPIA, the matters or element I personally disagree with I do not comment on them, so if people realize that its fine we all have different views, if we agree mutually, fine let's accept it openly....

but if by any reason we don't? than just ignore it, don't comment on it. This way every member can co-exist here in peaceful manner! And there will never be any violant discussions....

I have personally noticed that many gang-members here provoke other humble members in an offensive manner using very polite tone of English, when those good members all filled with anger these gang-members become one and drag the member to a point where Mr. Abbas either gives that poor member a warnning or block him from HOPIA! :|

I would not be surprised if I expect a personal critisizing comment on myself now since I have favoured my friend rashad here .... should i ? :roll: what he did is his sole creation and a desktop promotion for his work, it is not stealing in any way what so ever. Everybody has the right to create any element as long as it is not violating the Copy Right rules LEGALLY!

Rashad I like VR Pakistan very much, inded a very thought provoking video of how virtual simulation can reflect reality thanks to FSX, :D you go ahead with Project Pakistan HD's commercial release, I am with you today and always, and I need one copy of it :)
See you at vpia.org
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Post by Salal »

SM wrote:
Salal wrote:
PIA10141 wrote:wow im just gonna end this here, Its just impossible to explain to you and ur friends... or well, maybe you since it seems like u have multiple IDs Rashad.... :roll:
yes exacly end it here. theres is no need for explaining anyting. why the hell do u think rashad has multiple ids? this is right here is a friend of his talking. and im saying wat im saying not cuz he is my friend, but cuz it needs to be said since wat was said before by a certain someone was WRONG.
Hi Salal,

I have been refraining from writing something here as my feedback is not being taken in the intended spirit.

Being a technology entrepreneur with a GIS background, I have several years of experience dealing with cartographic vector and raster data for Fortune 500 companies and government agencies. Having said this, you may want to read Google Earth's terms of use as well as that of Google Maps. The use to which Rashad is applying this data is simply not permitted by the terms of use agreement.

This also highlights the fact that people often press the "I agree" button when installing new software such as Google Earth without reading the terms of use in detail; so I would strongly recommend all of you to have a look it when you get a chance. Furthermore, to add to your knowledge, companies often pay hundreds of thousands of dollars just to get a single corporate enterprise license for internal use of the meter or sub-meter resolution raster data and this usually does not include redistribution.

If Rashad was using 15-meter or lower resolution Landsat data, this would have not have been an issue since that data comes with a lot less stricter terms of use and has more recently been classified as an artifact in public domain. Unfortunately this does not apply to the meter or sub-meter imagery that Rashad is currently using.

I hope this adds more substance to what I am trying to convey.

too much to read.