recieved these models today!! GREAT FANTASTIC!!! these models are the best model i have ever purchased! Great minute detail is added to all areas of the plane. the wings surfaces are great and so are the rolling tires!!!
im so happy today!! 3 days delivery from Hong Kong to UK!!
samee380 wrote:recieved these models today!! GREAT FANTASTIC!!! these models are the best model i have ever purchased! Great minute detail is added to all areas of the plane. the wings surfaces are great and so are the rolling tires!!!
im so happy today!! 3 days delivery from Hong Kong to UK!!
DAMNNN!!!, thats super sonic speed Samee!!, mine left 2 days ago not in Canada as yet....I wonder how they shipped them to you and also would like to know if Moin also received his models or still waiting for there arrival.
^yeh sameer they shipped it via standard airmail. its not the first time that i have recieved a parcel from Hong Kong to UK in 3 days, it also happened when i bought the Phoenix Ferrari 787.
So quick!
samee380 wrote:^congratulations sameer hope you will like them!
SAMEE Like is not the word, these are mind blowing models, just superbly done, pictures posted of these are good idea giver but one have to literally hold the model in his/her hand to appreciate there beauty, detail and accuracy!!, Landing gears are just stunningly accurate with actuators and arms, wheels being rubber just graps the model where they are rested!..I am 200% positive that no one will say anything against them, they are GEMS to have in collection. Excellent job done PHX, you should be proud of these 2 models and should sell really well.
Now i am looking forward to PHX's A380 in Eithad livery!! and other PIA models like TU-154 and B733, bring them on....