Dear All,
Since nowadays we are all familiar with what PIA is going through,
recently i was on a flight and i would like you guys to see this horrible picture
posing a very high risk to the safety of crew as well as that of passengers. I WOULD LIKE YOU TO SHOW STANDARD OF WIRE LOCKING
I know that that all the pilots would know on this forum which aircraft is this cause i dont want to
name it.
Even after what is now happening i dont know what AVM GUL & his men are up to...........!!! ,this is highly shameful and disrepect for engineering dept.
I think its a B737, and # 2 Thrust Reverser has been deactivated, it could appear like raw, but not sure, how that locking looks like according to AMM.
Please avoid such comments if you don’t know MEL and BDPG which is normal procedure to deactivate and wirelock thrust reverser lever in fwd thrust to prevent inadvertent deployment of D/R if one T/R is C/F.
Wet runway - Would that impose any operational restrictions with T/R de-activated?
How long has the T/R been deactivated i.e the T/R has not been made serviceable?
Last time PK was at MEL on IDG (B743), the last one failed & it resulted in an overnight stay in UK for the passengers.
I got opportunity to talk to a PIA Boeing 737 Captain about this photo. He told me that he actually flew this aircraft just a few days ago on a domestic flight and didn't find anything wrong with engine# 2 thrust reverser wire locking. He told me that engine# 1 thrust reverser and wheel braking were used to slow down the aircraft on runway upon landing. However, this increases wheel brakes wear & tear, he said. He also told me that operation of aircraft in this condition is not recommended for landing on a wet runway.
I like this............................. Engineers on "GO SLOW"..................... when did they ever worked fast in the airline............................instead of GO SLOW it should be GO SLOW MOTION....
......recently i was on a flight and i would like you guys to see this horrible picture. posing a very ............
Well as stated by PALPA, the pic was taken on a flight. That implies that the pilot must have accepted the aircraft like this.....If it was illegel, or improper, than the pilot should have refused to accept the aircraft. And as stated by other participants on the thread, if the ac can be despatched with one T/R in-operative as per relevant regulations (MEL etc) then whats the fuss about??????
jackson.aviator wrote:Speaking of Engineering Dept., I heard that they are now on "Go Slow" operations. Any more info as to why and what they want in return?
INSIDER wrote:I like this............................. Engineers on "GO SLOW"..................... when did they ever worked fast in the airline............................instead of GO SLOW it should be GO SLOW MOTION....
The PIA engineers will seem to work NORMAL if FAST FORWARD mode is used.
As an outside commentor I dont see anything wrong in wirelocking the required reversor to preclude any crew action .due Forgetting that my reversor is under mel waiver.This has happened!! it might also be a part of a DDPG action
Now as for the wire standing out as shown in picture .Who was taking the pic and with what intent.?? Isnt it obvious.Pics with loopholes should not be judjed as they are seen and all aspects should be taken into consideration before commenting on anyones marvels. The wire can be contoured to any shape and angle before staging a picture .Cmon now who are we trying to blame.