Dont Waste your Time in a Losing Ship

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Dont Waste your Time in a Losing Ship

Post by INSIDER »

I think its about time for all the PIA employees to start looking for a job outside PIA, Since there are all the plans to shut down PIA and the airlines around the world are growing and looking for experience and professional people.

The Pakistan Government is denying it but the true fact is they have plans to shut down the airline and to sold it for RS. 1.00 since the private investors are not interested to take any liabilities and government and management is not interested to save this airline

So stop wasting time and think of your future and your families. :P
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Post by Nasir »

You are serious? Rs. 1.00 for PIA? Care to share your source?
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Post by Abbas Ali »

I'm confident PIA still has large number of employees who are sincere and loyal to the airline and they will try their best to restore airline's lost glory. Inshallah.

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Re: Dont Waste your Time in a Losing Ship

Post by cpt_747 »

INSIDER wrote: So stop wasting time and think of your future and your families. " :P "
Do you think it's a laughing matter? Is there something wrong with your brain?

Personally I don't care whatever happens to PIA [as a company] but think about the workers, where are they going to go and what are they going to do? The Government will have to do something about it and they will, Inshallah. This is not a joke or a Bollywood film that they will sit back and stuff their mouths with popcorns…

This forum allows you to have your say and express your opinion but I don't think it gives you the freedom to come up with some stupid emoticon while talking about a disaster like this so STOP LAUGHING AT THEIR FATES…
The orbital speed of the Earth around the Sun averages about 30 km/s or 18 mps (108,000 km/h or 67000 mph).
Which means we're travelling 97 times the speed of sound. And yet we can't feel the motion,
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Post by AP-BGJ »

Hello Mr Insider

My Sincere regards to you!!!

my dear friend i fully agree with everyone that indeed the once glorious PIA the symbol of pride of Pakistan in skies across the world in that beautiful livery in 80's is in serious trouble.

I am a student of business management in London and one of my teachers who used to teach me in Pakistan said once that there is no such thing as lost cause. Only belief should be there....the belief in abalities, the belief in the system...unfortunately the cancer which has been eroding our beloved airlines we all turned a blind eye towards it.

i am quite sure that ppl here at the forum might agree with me that the basic problem which PIA faces is that of incompetent management and misuse of resources by the government.

ppl here will agree that when mr malik nur khan was the chief of the airlines how far we went and now when we have these impotent and incompotent ppl running the affairs of the airlines and the government is fully supporting them sorry sir we cant go forward..

trust me man if what u r sayin is true i am willing to pay 10,000 pounds instead of 1 rupee and wwill accept all the liabilities as well and within five years i will bring it in profit. it can be done.

well i am not a big fan of governments which have been running this country and this government has crossed all the possible limits the steel mills scandel, the sugar scandal gettin rid of the chief justice in an unprecedented manner and slowly and systematically eroding the airlines and then making a perfect excuse to sell it as a liability is the major highlights of this government.

but keeping that apart this situation is not that hopeless as still PIA can start doin well if there is some honestly shown by the required quaters

so my friend ur suggestion is good to the employees but somebody has to steer the ship out of storm.

best regards!!!
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Post by oxon »

Then who would ?
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Post by AP-BGJ »

ppl who are honest with this country and want the airline to get out of trouble. im sure we all at this forum want to see PIA fly high but our thoughts will mean nothing if the decision makers are not honest with their policies.
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Re: Dont Waste your Time in a Losing Ship

Post by PIAinORD »

cpt_747 wrote:Do you think it's a laughing matter? Is there something wrong with your brain?

Personally I don't care whatever happens to PIA [as a company] but think about the workers, where are they going to go and what are they going to do? The Government will have to do something about it and they will, Inshallah. This is not a joke or a Bollywood film that they will sit back and stuff their mouths with popcorns…

This forum allows you to have your say and express your opinion but I don't think it gives you the freedom to come up with some stupid emoticon while talking about a disaster like this so STOP LAUGHING AT THEIR FATES…
I think the original poster was wrong to use the emoticon, but I think need to step out the world of idealism and into reality. PIA is a corrupt airline with corrupt management and way more workers than it needs because of this. The only way it is going to get out of its downward spiral is if it lays off about 2/3 of its unecessary work force (which btw I'd imagine most got not because of merit but because of internal family connections and such). And while there may still be loyal and dedicated workers, they constitute the minority. Sad but true.
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Post by INSIDER »

Well my apology to lot of people who still want to live in a dream world. When i said it will be sold for Rs. 1.00, i meant that the management will bring this airline to a position where the value of this airline will be Rs 1 and that means the company is bankrupt and they have no choice but to shut it down. The only way to privatize the airline is to shut down completely and then the private investor to buy it since nobody wants to buy PIA with tons of liabilities.

Lot of private investors are interested in PIA but only if it is shutdown completely and then they restart it again. This issue was discussed in the MOD when Kazmi was the president PALPA. PIA is now a big liability to the government and the present government is not interested to spend an extra penny on it. PIA is on the list of privatization just like PTCL and the present management is bringing it to the position where it can be sold.

Has anybody realized why PIA is hiring employees on contract now?, just to finish the monopoly of the Unions and Association. Its very difficult for PIA management to layoff permanent employees cos the same employee will go to the court and get reinstated and get all the money.

So this is a sinking ship since the government wants to do it and the poor employee is suffering. And i think there is no harm to go for better opportunities since at the end of the day the poor guy has to feed his family. Unfortunately in past 10 years PIA employees are under paid and they are not appreciated. That is why most of the employee have left and working for other airlines and they are paid well and at the same time they are very well respected too.

And Dear Cpt_747, the emoticons are provided by this forum and it gives us the freedom to use it. One more thing i need to know how many hours did you spend on the flight simulator 2004 to get the 747 rating as a capt.

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Post by VC10 »

Inshallah Abbas is correct.There is no such thing as a lost cause - look at all of the US Legacy carriers who would have gone out of business without chapter 11.Let's hope there is a Pakistani equivalent.
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Post by Jacobin777 »

With PK being a government owned entity, it will stay in this sorry state if the goverment doesn't take an active role...

What the goverment should do is sell off PK, put it private hands and if so chooses, own a small minority "silent" investement....
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Post by Max »

I would say that people running PIA have made every effort in running this to the ground but many of the employees don’t deserve this. The irony is that if PIA has to be made a ‘truly’ profitable entity, many of those employees will have to laid off.

The other thing that gets me is that if PIA is no longer there, who and how will fill that void. Just take the ORD service now. With that route’s uncertain future, people flying from ORD have make two connections to get to Lahore and even that is limited as the gulf carriers don’t have the number of flights as they have in Karachi. That is above the fact that European carriers refuse to touch Pakistan and all this does paint a bleak picture.

GOP will not privatize strategic assets like PIA and for the current control freaks running Pakistan, that would be that last thing they will do and any potential buyer knows that. What guarantee does any buyer has that after being privatize, GOP will not interfere in a PIA operations through regulations or simply brutal force.
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Post by cpt_747 »

INSIDER writes:
And Dear Cpt_747, the emoticons are provided by this forum and it gives us the freedom to use it. One more thing i need to know how many hours did you spend on the Flight Simulator 2004 to get the 747 rating as a capt.
I am not going to comment any further on using your emoticon as I have already expressed my dismay over it.
As far as my flying hours are concerned, well let me inform you that I have kept this nick ever since I started to participate in this and other forums (since 2000) and then I didn't have a clue about FS. So my nick has absolutely nothing to do with FS or the number of hours I may have earned.
And finally about my hours, to be honest with you, I don't keep a log as I do it for fun and ONLY fun. My work can be found in
"Pakistan Aviation Hobby Forum"
Personally, I have nothing against you, as I don’t even know your name or age. What you had said may well be true but the way you said it was inappropriate and doesn't send a positive signal to those who may lose their jobs in result of shutting down of PIA.

I hope I have answered all your questions.
The orbital speed of the Earth around the Sun averages about 30 km/s or 18 mps (108,000 km/h or 67000 mph).
Which means we're travelling 97 times the speed of sound. And yet we can't feel the motion,
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Post by CombiFan »

Get a life INSIDER. I will stick with PIA and Inshallah, this airline will be a force to reckon with in a few years, just you watch.
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Post by Gulistan »

troll warning..........................