I doubt the fact that PIA's maintenance standards and other checks they perform are lower in quality and credibility than those of Biman, Syrian, etc.
ok..u want to know how AMAZING PIA's maintenance standards are ? Walk around any aircraft..and ur going to find spots that have been covered by high speed tape..
once a section of an A310 winglet broke off...how was it handled ? high speed tape!
the Forward landing gear light had a broken glass cover..to prevent shards from flying off and damaging the fuselage during take off and landing..the simple solution ? high speed DUCT TAPE..
a brand new 772 had a fire break out in the landing gear carriage..why ? cheap chinese grease in place of the recommended grease
instrument lights are'nt working on long haul flights..the engineering department just signs the flight log saying its been fixed when it hasnt..
now they might seem like minute things..but thhey can have disastrous affects..and i can go on if u want about the short comings of the engineering department ..
and why buy new planes ? how long will it take for the in competence of the engg. to wreck them too ?
this is what will happen...the A310's will be restricted to the Far East..the jumbos will continue to ply in the middle east...the 737-800 order TK's been going on about will never materialise..why ? because the govt. will inject more money into PIA to buy widebodies..
can the 7 B777's actually make up for all the flights the 777...12 A310's and the 5/6 or so 747's were doing ? or make up for the loss in capactiy ?
ok..lets not forget the fact that the 777's..inspite of being brand new will be grounded due to some problem during the period that these widebodies will be plying on these routes..because nknowing how jinxed PIA is har jahaz mein kabhi na kabhi koi na koi masla to ahi jata hai..
what then ?
PIA is considering leasing passenger planes and crew due to a looming European Union ban on more than three-quarters of its ageing fleet over safety concerns, PIA officials said.
wow..so let me guess..they found some airline thats been running old junkyard heap and PIA is more than willing to get the old planes off their hands like they did with the L1011's for hajj operations and term it as an 'interim solution'?
my advice ? privatise it..get it off the hands of the govt..have some big airline buy it..the problems PIA is facing are as obvious daylight..and it wont take long to fix them..we just need someone at the helm who has the drive to bring about big changes..
what good are flight attendants from all over the world when half your fleet isnt allowed to travel half of the globe ?these are superficial changes..we need planes..people who can look after these planes..and people who can market the routes these planes are lfying on..at the moment PIA is facing a major deficit in these 3 major arenas..