My 1/144 Revell Pepsi Concorde

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My 1/144 Revell Pepsi Concorde

Post by ConnieMan »

I thought i would share my Pepsi Concorde model also, this model took 1 1/2 yr to complete, it was one of the longest model build time consuming wise that i did. Many parts on the model were scratch built from plastic card, piano wire and brass sheet. I used Xtra color's Sabina Blue on it and once i sprayedfirst mist cote i had to leave it for 2 weeks before second cote, then after second cote i left it for 6 months to competely dry before i polished the paint!, Polishing took 6 weeks to do and i used 8000 grit wet sanding cloth. After paint polishing i applied custom made decals and clear coted it again, once clear cote was fully dry in about 4 days, i polished that too and it took 2 weeks to bring out flawless mirror finish on it. I also made towing tug and tow bar by scratch folowing the base that was also done for it. I have won couple of medals including Gold and silver on this model at local model contests. One you can see in the link below. ... 6eddec51f6

Actually you will see my 1/200 Saudia DC3 as SAR-1 and in over view picture you also see my 1/200 Saudia B727-200 towards the lower end of the picture. I hope you guys like it, this model was done as i loved the Pepsi Colors on Concorde and i had traded my Herpa Pepsi Concorde year before this model and still regrets to this day.
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Post by Valkyrie »

Great looking concorde, Sameer.
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Post by Nasir »

Good looking Model. Was that Airfix or Revell?

Here's how my Revell BA concorde turned out:

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Post by ConnieMan »

Thanks guys, it was alot of work as i also had cut elevons out and drooped them in neutral position, i sort of created a story as its being towed from hanger to the gate.


Your Concorde looks as airfix kit, reason being non drooping nose, not even a nose sepration line to indicate as seprate pieces similar to Revell mould, plus not a resessed panel line detail on the whole model yet you did awsome job on it :). How did wings assembelled on your model, were the 3 pieces or 7 pieces.....
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Post by Nasir »

Aah, now I remember- Airfix nose is not detached.

Actually, even though I had the separate nose as part of the Revell kit, I decided to keep the nose up. A lack of recessed lines is a result of days and days of puttying and sanding. I've become a firm believer (after seeing an expert modeler show me using PhotoShop) that recessed lines and rivets would disappear completely if you were to view an aircraft from a distance that would make it 1/144 or even 1/72 scale.

The wings were 3 parts.