Die-cast trade

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Die-cast trade

Post by ConnieMan »

I have following 1/400 die-casts that i want to trade, all of these models and there boxes are excellent shape and condition, i kept them in boxes when not displayed as i every 6 months switch my models around in my collection for a change.

I am offering:

DW B727-200 Adv PanAm L/C
DW A340-600 Airbus house colors
HW B777-200 Egypt Air N/C
DW B747-400 Canadina Airlines O/C

DW (Dragon Wings) HW (Herpa Wings)

I am currently looking for:

Saudia B747-300 O/C
Saudia C-130 N/C
PIA B720B and Connie L1049
Any Canadian DC6s, Connies, DC8s, DC10s, B747-100/200s

I know its a long shot but what the heck..:wink: