Can this happen in PIA and/or in Pakistan?

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Can this happen in PIA and/or in Pakistan?

Post by PakN'US »

According to the report, Prime Minister of New Zealand, evidently flew commercial aircarft causing the flight to be delayed. How come the President and Prime Minister of Pakistan have to have a VVVIP planes keeping in view that Pakistan is a poor country and all those resources can be used to generate Cash.
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Post by Kashif »

Before Musharraf came to power it was normal for Nawaz & Bhutto to take one of the Jumbojets from PIA.

When Musharraf came to power he told his ministers that he himself and the ministers would travel on regular flights.

This was done a long time until the assasination atempts on Musharraf and Aziz. Nowadays they use an A310 from PIA.

Remember that all foreign dignitaries have a well sized entourage with them. Journalists, big industrialists, politicians and professionals. It is normal to have at least 50 people travel with Musharraf.
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Post by piafan »

How come the President and Prime Minister of Pakistan have to have a VVVIP planes
There is true representation of people in New Zealand. In Pakistan we have a non-representative govt..they really don't feel they are accountable to anyone not even God.
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Post by CoyBoy »

Most VVIP's the world over use a seperate aircraft for their trips either from the state owned airline or the Military or just a private bizjet/airliner kept for such flights.

What the NZ PM did is a rarity and Mush has done so in the past.
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Post by iqbal »

i travelled with nawaz sharif from islamabad to karachi on a 747, a poor guy was thrown off the flight to make way for him - and yes it was a normal PIA commercial flight.
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Post by AirBlue »

i was a kid wen i got to travel wid him in the same was the same which one crashed .... the PAF F-27.....i was with my mom n my sis was like 2 yrs old and she goes like ....

mama...voh daikhain....PIME MITTAL...:P

cute isnt he turned and smiled at her...and it was PAF, not PIA....wonder why?
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Re: Can this happen in PIA and/or in Pakistan?

Post by kamalla »

PakN'US wrote:According to the report, Prime Minister of New Zealand, evidently flew commercial aircarft causing the flight to be delayed. How come the President and Prime Minister of Pakistan have to have a VVVIP planes keeping in view that Pakistan is a poor country and all those resources can be used to generate Cash.
Regards ... D=10343540
That's a shame.... Royal New Zealand Air Force has a B757 that she could have used for her travels.

But I guess since it was an internal flight, this was probably cheaper. Oh well, it would've been nicer to fly on the 757!!
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Post by PakN'US »

May be someone can explain this to me
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Post by AirBlue »

its the aircraft which the president took to Australia for his visit.....the picture is taken at dawn......and its an A310......i hope i explained it for u?
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Re: Can this happen in PIA and/or in Pakistan?

Post by ord »

PakN'US wrote: How come the President and Prime Minister of Pakistan have to have a VVVIP planes keeping in view that Pakistan is a poor country and all those resources can be used to generate Cash.
I suppose because the security/ law and order situation in Pakistan is not that good, even for VVIPs (recall the assassination attempts on the president and PM some time back).

Before 9/11, Musharaf used to travel abroad on regular commercial flights and actually used to chat with the pax, even those sitting in the back of the plane, however I think now days, with the threat of terrorism, I think the Pak govt has wisely chosen to use non-commercial flights and uses special flights specifically for transporting the President/PM and the entourage.
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Post by Falcon598 »

I agree with Ord. In these times after 9/11 the world has gone crazy and a little bt out of hand. Mushy had a few failed assasination attempts on him, so it would only be common sense to put him on a non commericial flight, though I like the idea of a world leader traveling with ordinary citizens. In US we have Bush take his two 747s Air Force Ones with him every where he goes. They always take a back up plane incase something is wrong with the other one. Bush spends more time on vacation than he does in the White House. I mean seriously he took a 5-WEEK long vacation, I have never seen that. Also he reacted very poorly too the recent aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. He has gone more on those planes in 1 term than others go in two terms in office. Sorry this was a bit off topic :D
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Post by PakN'US »

I think people are missing the point here. Does George Bush has a right to fly Air Force -1 you bet he has, as he is the President of the USA. Does not make him any better than any other person on the face of this Earth. Remember what Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto said once and I try to recollect my memory and quote him "I am not powerful, the chair I am sitting on is". That is not an issue. The main issue is that Pakistan is a poor country. We are a bsket case and we are asking various countries for donations and are aid dependant. Unless we are self sufficient, we have no right to even travel (case in pont Musharaff in Australia) abroad. I only posted that link to prove that very resources we are trying to protect are being wasted away. How long was that Airbus out of service sitting at tarmac in Sydney and PIA was losing money? :cry:
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Post by bagold »

On a visit to NZ by the Queen (paid for by NZ taxpayers) the NZ govt arranged for the Queen to be flown on a commercial Air NZ flight (first class section though).

Personally I don't see why any taxpayer should pay for the Queen (not that I have anything against the Queen personally).
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Post by Gulistan »

bagold wrote:On a visit to NZ by the Queen (paid for by NZ taxpayers) the NZ govt arranged for the Queen to be flown on a commercial Air NZ flight (first class section though).

Personally I don't see why any taxpayer should pay for the Queen (not that I have anything against the Queen personally).
I think we paid for it :wink: :wink: . It was a BA 744 with the first class section special modified for just her and the entourgae.
With regards to PAK, I personally would removed all the jets the provsional govt have and have just one for the President / Prime minister to use on overseas travel.