Wow, I leave town and so much happens behind me!!
"مجھہ سے پہلے اُس گلی میں میرے افسانے گئے۔۔۔"
Thank you everyone for your supporting comments. Coyboy, you have every right to not like the designs that I do. Everyone chooses according to their tastes, and I never claimed to be in the business of pleasing all of the people all of the time
Moin, I'm still traveling so I don't have access to my home computer. I will send you the drawing according to your specs once I get back. I'll respond further in the thread you created specifically for that purpose.
I was wondering do you have or could you do a livery that would satsify the four provinces theme (roughly)? If you have something in your collection that reflects this theme, could you please provide us the link. Something that satifies this theme would probably have a better shot at success, as it seems PIA management have already decided the theme of the new livery.
Very honestly speaking I do like some of Nasir's work but with a bit of modification here and there, I like his Syrian Air and Egypt Air schemes as they are.
Tariq Kirmani s interview with PJ Mir was telecasted today, 1 sept on ARY.
Could not catch the whole interview. He talked about increase in destinations, an incrase of 25% utilization of aircrats, replacing the F-27 within the next year with a canadian or Euro aircraft.
It is a nice aircraft, but I think it has a higher passenger capacity then the F-27s/Dash 8-300/ATR-42, so unless some of the F-27 routes have the ability to generate more passengers.... it might not generate enough revenue. Unless the fuel savings can cover the difference!!
I think either Dash 8-300 or ATR-42 would be the best choices. Hopefully they can make up their minds soon enough!!