Fortress Stadium - Lahore

Formation of three Pakistan Army Mushshak aircraft.

Formation of three Pakistan Army Mushshak aircraft performing bomb burst maneuver.

Pakistan Army Eurocopter AS350B-3 Ecureuil helicopter serial number 803.

Pakistan Army Eurocopter AS350B-3 Ecureuil helicopter.

Pakistan Army Eurocopter AS350B-3 Ecureuil helicopter.

Pakistan Army Eurocopter AS350B-3 Ecureuil helicopter.

Pakistan Army Bell 206 JetRanger helicopter.

Pakistan Army Bell 206 JetRanger helicopter.

Pakistan Army Bell 206 JetRanger helicopter.

Pakistan Army Bell AH-1 Cobra (serial number 786-024) attack helicopter.

Pakistan Army Bell AH-1 Cobra (serial number 786-024) attack helicopter.

Pakistan Army Bell AH-1 Cobra (serial number 786-024) attack helicopter.

Pakistan Army Bell AH-1 Cobra (serial number 786-024) attack helicopter.

Pakistan Army Bell AH-1 Cobra (serial number 786-024) attack helicopter.

Pakistan Army Bell AH-1 Cobra (serial number 786-024) attack helicopter.

Pakistan Army Bell AH-1 Cobra (serial number 786-024) attack helicopter.