PIA A320 repaint..........

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PIA A320 repaint..........

Post by VirtualPIA »

Hi guys,

Enjoy Pakistan International Airlines provincial livery on a new A320 repaint, by Sabbir Khan, exclusively from Virtual PIA (VPIA). This is a repaint of the payware Overland A320 CFM model in a fictional registration AP-BGT, with the title "THE SILK ROUTE" and "GILGIT". PIA decided to replace its older fleet with a mix of orders and leases of A320. PIA dealt with leasing company ALAFCO for the A320 and was supposed to get delivery from 2008. But the deal was dropped by the new government.



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Re: PIA A320 repaint..........

Post by irfan khan »

Welcome Sabbir khan to vpia team of repainters, good looking job on A320
Thanks and Best Regards