PIA Air Hostess filmed swearing at a passenger inflight

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meekal ahmed
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Re: PIA Air Hostess filmed swearing at a passenger inflight

Post by meekal ahmed »


I deplore any rudeness -- but especially in the air because you cannot get up and leave the room.

But we, as passengers -- barring exceptions -- are generally rude, inconsiderate, ungrateful, demanding and obnoxious. And if it is someone high-up, they behave as though they own the airline.

I have never heard a Pakistani passenger ever say "Thank you" to the FA's when they are being served or say "good-bye and thank you " and smile as they leave the a/c on disembarkation. The FA's do and we just grunt or ignore their salutations.

I recall some really ugly scenes in the days PIA used to serve alcohol. In the USA if you are drunk you are either denied boarding or if you are in-flight and become unruly, they will tie you down in your seat and you will be arrested on arrival. End of story.

Have you seen Pakistani's on BA for example? Meek as lambs. Quite as mice. We wouldn't dare misbehave on a "gora's" airline, would we?!

A Pakistani friend of mine was smoking in the bathroom on Qatar on the 14-hour Doha-Washington sector. They fined her $3,000.0. I am positive that people smoke on PIA despite the prohibition and the safety implications.

It is a general disrespect and cynical disregard for rules and the law. On ground and in the air!
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Re: PIA Air Hostess filmed swearing at a passenger inflight

Post by speedbird london »

sadly we, pakistanis, are just not like many other nationals. im sure many will be cringing and cursing me, but face it, its fact. Why is it we , pkaistanis, act differently when we amongst our own. Ive flown PK recently, and cabin crew do their best to provide a service, to us fellow pakistanis, but we are our own worst enemy. We misbehave, become ignorant, think we are better then other pakistanis, where the fact is, we're all same. Pakstanis, think flying PK, is their own personal company, like the people who serve PK are our slaves, is true, but sad. We need to change the way we think. Ive seen passengers on route to LHE on PK fro LHR, where passengers just ignore crew advise, some where safety counts. I know for fact if it was another carrier the passenger would of been met by local authorities on disemberkation, but we all know if that was the case, the authorites would be paid off, and no action taken. Personally PIA will never change, as the Pakistani population is failing to change (majority) as for cabin crew losing temper, that is wrong, portraiting a negative image of the company. But, if the case, have you ever thought the crap, the abuse , u custom shes recieved in her past as a crew. I have respect for her to tolerate us pakistanis (im sure im talking about a minority that let us down) and to carry on serving us. Ok im not defending her, but prehaps the passenger over stepped the mark.

Ill give you and example of the pakistani national behaviour at its best, i advise you vist the Pak embassy in knightsbridge, london, go in the side tent and watch your fellow pakistani, jump the queue, shout and swear at the staff, curse pakistan, borrow pens and not return, shout out how he knows someone high up, yaar, us sad pakistanis need to grow up, and grow out of it. im not slagging off pakistanis as suh, just angry. Sadly the western paks are no better.

anyway said my bit, didnt meant to hurt loyal paks. but just say what ive seen personally in life.
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Re: PIA Air Hostess filmed swearing at a passenger inflight

Post by Moin »

My mother, an Austrian citizen, had the misfortune of visiting the Pakistani High Commission in London for some work that required her Austrian passport. She handed over her passport to the concerned person and after 2 hours she finally lost her patience and asked what the delay was all about. The answer, they had 'misplaced' her passport and could not find it. In 2 hours, they lost a foreign passport and only after she threw a bit of a tantrum did they scurry around and finally manage to locate it. She vowed never to go back there ever again.
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Re: PIA Air Hostess filmed swearing at a passenger inflight

Post by bernyjee »

I think almost every thing said about 'we the Pakistanis' while travelling on PIA is correct. We all take PIA travel for granted. I have heard muslim desi men talking trash about female FA's. While they don't know what their own sisters are doing at home.

Though PIA FA's do not have perfect behavior, however, considering the crowd they exhibit lots of patience and serve very well. Goras at BA will beat Pakis like any thing. Cross Atlantic PIA flights are a mess since almost every one performs 'wudu' and toilets turn bad real quick. FA's spend most of the time serving milk to crying babies or cleaning toilets.

The FA in question could still have called a senior purser, Captain or FO rather than responding in person (if she really did that). But all of us are human and get carried away. So Ausey ko Taisaa to Miltaa hee hey. :D
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Re: PIA Air Hostess filmed swearing at a passenger inflight

Post by meekal ahmed »

Not to rub it in but I agree with the sentiments above. Our FA's, especially the female one's, put up with a lot of crap from rude, disrespectful, insulting, unfriendly passengers.

Yes, the bathroom issue with "wazu" being conducted with great florish with water all over the floor.

Do these religious souls not know that in "safar" you are excused from prayers? And if there is no proper place for "wazu" you can do it by going through the motions?

So why the drama? Are they trying to impress their fellow-travellers?

Yes, I know even some pilots do pray in-flight and worse fast during Ramadan. Yet in "safar" both are excused.

They would not dare misbehave on any foreign airline -- not even other Muslim carriers because most of their FA's are foreign women including and it seems increasingly from the Far East!

I would not be surprised if they behave respectfully towards a Pakistani FA working for a foreign carrier.

PIA seems to bring the worst out of them. "Ghar ki baat" sort of thing so they think that taking liberties is their "haq" since PIA is "their airline".
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Re: PIA Air Hostess filmed swearing at a passenger inflight

Post by Jacobin777 »

My wife and mother flew ORD-KHI this past June and she was telling how bad, rude, obnoxious some pax were..not listening to F/A's, violating rules and regulations (such as going to the restroom while the plane is taxiing, etc. I would have liked to see them try this on AA or some other carrier where they would be quickly told to "sit the 'ell down" and/or get arrested by the authorities-that would show them.

I REALLY detest desis who act as such....thinking they are "oh so k-e-w-l".....DORKS!