Break Up of PIA

Discuss issues and news related to PIA, Pakistani airlines and Pakistan's civil & military aviation.
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Post by ConnieMan »

cpt_747 wrote:I don't have to say anything in my defence because Allah is watching us all and he knows who has done what in oder to help Kashmiris. As far as your racist remarks, it tells me the sort of person you are. I don't do business with racists, whether it's towards Pakistanis or English.
What the heck are you talking about?, where did racisum/racist remarks came in between this discussion! :? , all nutsforplanes stated what is true as him being in Kashmir and seeing things first hand vs Pakistanis from out of Country!, i am one of those who reside far away from the country but no way i look at things the way you see it. Sorry but you are wrong here....
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Post by Jacobin777 »

PK should be privatised...look at all the once-goverment owned now private carriers doing well..

LH, QF, and BA are 3 carriers which were once owned by the government then allowed to become private companies.....

..surprise, surprise...all 3 are doing very well and have been profitable.....

PK at its present form has too much beurocracy and politics involved.

The govt. should float 85% of the company and allow it to make its OWN decisions.....

This will allow PK to become competitive again w/out having to rely only on aunties and uncles for revenue.