ahmedshaikhani wrote:Well please tell me weather FSX will suit my computer or not. Here are the specs of my system.
Intel Core 2 Duo E6420 2.13Ghz
1 GB ram DDR2
GEForce 7900Gs 512Mb/256Bits
600Watts Cooler Master Power Supply
Cooler Chasis with 8 Fans.
Whell in FSX it will work brother! But you will suffer framerate performance due to
lack of
CPU processor speed!
Not enough Memory recommended 4GB as alot of people get memory errors when adding fsx addons and settings set to maximum or even Medium settings to view scenery!
faster graphic cards are recommended each card has a framerate it can perform for specific software!
With my scenery i highly recommend 4gb and higher memory!
A small hard drive is okay to run FSX but depending on operating system like windows vista which runs system host process in background with system initation files like svchost network these will slow your simulation down if its installed on same hard drive. I would add a second drive to the machine to seperate the operating system from the simulation and addons! A small drive eg 200gb as a second drive would be okay for fsx and to add future addons!
windows XP 64bit and windows vista 64bit alows you to expand your memory to maximum of 8GB.
Your PSU power supply is perfectly sufficient 600w its okay for you graphic card and cpu to run !
Setting up fsx will run and to increase your framerates you will have to put all setting in FSX to 0 far end back on slider bar!
To fully check whats the best setting for your finetune it to perform is slowly
move the bars 5-10 percent to right evrtime your inside the simulation until step by step moving of slider you know your framerates are sufferning then move slider back by 5 percent until framerate settles the you will know where to keep the slider bars everymachine setup is different and each individual will have to check setting by themselves step by step and is timeconsuming but once acomplished you will be ready to fly.
Always check your framerate settings are set to unlimited when testing and flying!
If your adding detailed texture addons into fsx i highly recommend you upgrade your machine or get a new one FSX simulaton is realy designed for latest parts in your pc that are more powerful.
My old machine which has a pentium 4 with windows vista 32bit and 4gb memory and nvidea card FSX suffers very badly!