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ConnieMan wrote:Looks cool Nadir, what did u do to it's nose gear it looks funny!
Nothing wrong with the nose that's what a normal 300ER looks. And yeah i never made it
Well here is why it looks funny, strut is 90 degree to ground in that picture. Meaning well when aircraft is in level position whole strut will pointing backwards by few noticeable degrees!, plus whole wheel is shifted back from being in straight line with strut's center line!, look at it again!.
I thought you said you did this Nadir when we were talking on Friday!
No i didnt say I did this, I just posted it. The plane looks fine to me. You know the body somtimes stretches when airborne or on take-off sometimes camera angles make it look strange but it's fine.
Also this appears to be based on a real plane just the livery modified
Nadir Ali wrote:No i didnt say I did this, I just posted it. The plane looks fine to me. You know the body somtimes stretches when airborne or on take-off sometimes camera angles make it look strange but it's fine.
Also this appears to be based on a real plane just the livery modified
yousaf465 wrote:there is no paint at bottom of aircraft
Alot of planes are like that. Even the 747s in current American presidential services have no paint on their bellies. It all depdends on the aircraft owner.