PIA to buy Airbuses to appease EU, UK

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PIA to buy Airbuses to appease EU, UK

Post by Abbas Ali »

KARACHI: Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) is understood to have effectively conveyed to both the European Union and the UK air-safety authorities that it is willing to replace its Boeing 737s with the latest European aircraft for EU and UK destinations, according to well-placed airline and government sources.

The sources told Daily Times that PIA had told the EU and UK authorities that most of the Boeing 737s (PIA has a fleet of seven) could be replaced with European-made aircraft – also known as Airbuses – and the process for this purpose could begin as early as July.

Asked how this message was conveyed to the EU and UK authorities, the sources said that this communication had taken place through “informal” channels – indicating that lobbyists of European products in Pakistan, Brussels and London had been used as a conduit.

Asked if the EU safety committee had asked PIA to replace its old aircraft with those made in Europe, they said that such messages were never delivered formally. “As they say actions speak louder than words, the EU in particular had been effectively sending message since the news about a looming ban on the PIA fleet broke out last month,” they said. They said that PIA had decided to buy Airbuses to use as a bargaining chip to minimise the impact of pressure in the form of “temporary restrictions” on its fleet.

Asked if PIA would replace all seven Boeing 737s, the sources would only say that such a move could affect the country’s relations with the manufacturers of Boeings and US government. “Therefore there is a need to strike a delicate balance.” They said that a lot of official procedural formalities would need to be put in place before any order to purchase Airbuses could be formally put forward.

Source: Daily Times
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Post by DEZI »

Why can't PIA get its maintenance together. This policy of appeasement has led to PIA's fall fron grace. It is just shooting arrows in the air. GOP has to come down on PIA with the whip.
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Post by fatah »

Why can't PIA get its maintenance together. This policy of appeasement has led to PIA's fall fron grace. It is just shooting arrows in the air. GOP has to come down on PIA with the whip.
I completely agree!
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Post by ConnieMan »

I don't think PIA should invest into newer aircrafts in these crises situation and times!, PIA should implement its main focus on fixing its own problems in its maintenance departments and try to fix aircrafts in the current fleet and bring them back into high standard of operations, Investing in newer aircrafts will only help on very short term bases and not on long term, once these newer aircraft face similar required maintenance, they will be neglected same as present fleet as it has happened many times before. Not to forget that newer baby buses are crap anyways..

I doesn't look as GOP is readily willing to bail out PIA from its financial crises at the moment, they may at the end of dark tunnel would but by that time airline itself may become helpless as its in dieing phase already, It needs heavy mediation now not later, then operation may not even be able to save it at later date or time....
Last edited by ConnieMan on Mon Mar 05, 2007 4:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Amaad Lone »

This is complete bullshit.

PIA knows that any purchase of Airbuses has nothing to do with banning of PIA aircraft.

This is strictly a safety issue, lets not mix it with business.

Pakistani journalism is reaching new lows when such theories are put forward.

The replacement of the 737 fleet should be on the cards, as the cycles on these aircraft are quite high.

In the short term PIA could probably pick up some used 737-400s to replace the older 300s. This would allow a smooth transition as pilots are usually rated to fly both types.

Used 737-400s might be the best option for a bankrupt PIA, until the balance sheet allows for better equipment.

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Post by hasan saleem »

The Obvious choice of replacement for 737-300 should be a 737 series. The cost for trasition from -300 series to a new series on the same aircraft will be much lower then onto A320.

If PIA wanst to butter the EU they could sign a MOU for A350
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Post by Adnan Anwar »

Amaad Lone wrote:This is complete bullshit.

PIA knows that any purchase of Airbuses has nothing to do with banning of PIA aircraft.

This is strictly a safety issue, lets not mix it with business.

Pakistani journalism is reaching new lows when such theories are put forward.

The replacement of the 737 fleet should be on the cards, as the cycles on these aircraft are quite high.

In the short term PIA could probably pick up some used 737-400s to replace the older 300s. This would allow a smooth transition as pilots are usually rated to fly both types.

Used 737-400s might be the best option for a bankrupt PIA, until the balance sheet allows for better equipment.
This also tells you how disinformed the press is about Aviation. The EU ban effects the 747 and A310 routes to European destinations. Buying Airbuses to replace the B737 does not addreses the issue. PIA needs to fix its engineering and maintenance practices. Leasing planes from others is just a temporary stop gap measure but does not again address EU concerns about PIA Engineering and aircraft condition.

Pakistan in general has habit of performing no maintenance on anything that is setup. As a sidenote, the Jhalo Park near Fortress Stadium, the swing/ride since it was installed in the 1980's was never inspected by anyone and no maintenance was performed ever. We all know what happened to the ride in 2005. Twenty+ innocent babies were killed because no one in LDA ever inspected any of these ride or have been accepting kickbacks at the cost peoples children. This has been happenig for 50+ years since independance on so many projects all over Pakistan.
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Post by BOEING777 »

Very lame PK move :roll:
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Post by FMC »

ConnieMan wrote:I don't think PIA should invest into newer aircrafts in these crises situation and times!, PIA should implement its main focus on fixing its own problems in its maintenance departments and try to fix aircrafts in the current fleet and bring them back into high standard of operations, Investing in newer aircrafts will only help on very short term bases and not on long term, once these newer aircraft face similar required maintenance, they will be neglected same as present fleet as it has happened many times before. Not to forget that newer baby buses are crap anyways..

I doesn't look as GOP is readily willing to bail out PIA from its financial crises at the moment, they may at the end of dark tunnel would but by that time airline itself may become helpless as its in dieing phase already, It needs heavy mediation now not later, then operation may not even be able to save it at later date or time....
ConnieMan.. I second your comments.
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Post by cpt_747 »

But why would they be replacing B733 when the EU have issues with 747s and A310s? Wouldn't it be better if they replace 747s with A340s & A310s with A330s? Just a thought...
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Post by Adnan Anwar »

cpt_747 wrote:But why would they be replacing B733 when the EU have issues with 747s and A310s? Wouldn't it be better if they replace 747s with A340s & A310s with A330s? Just a thought...
Correct, Actually 737 does not makes sense, but if you do want to hurt EU especially after the A380 problems, go for the B787 to replace A310 and B737NG to replace older 737-300, replace 747's with 747-800. No orders for Airbus but not a strategically sound decision.

But then again maintenance issues remain, PIA remains at a loss. :wink:
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Post by Che »

I don't think it's the reporter's fault to report or speculate on this news...With PIA management's legendary incompetence and idiocacy it cannot be ruled that this would be a gambit that they might actually be contemplating...
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B737 Jets.

Post by subhan27 »

But these aircrafts cannot be used for services to UK & Europe.
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PIA to buy airbuses to appease EU,UK

Post by VC10 »

I agree that the issue of short range fleet replacement is totally irrelevant regards the current quandry facing PIA.As Amaad correctly points out the issue seems to be one of negligent maintenence by PIA engineering.To this end has anyone given thought to outsourcing maintenence to a foreign MRO ?
Regards, Mike.
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Re: PIA to buy airbuses to appease EU,UK

Post by Adnan Anwar »

VC10 wrote:Assalam-0-Aleikum
I agree that the issue of short range fleet replacement is totally irrelevant regards the current quandry facing PIA.As Amaad correctly points out the issue seems to be one of negligent maintenence by PIA engineering.To this end has anyone given thought to outsourcing maintenence to a foreign MRO ?
Regards, Mike.
Rumours are Qatar Airways had shown interest in PIA Engineering base. Not sure about the exact details but PIA has recently issued a Tender Notice looking for joint venture partners for the PIA Engineering. Lets see what happens.
Adnan Anwar