According to a post (
>>see here<<) by forum member Uzair Ansari in another topic, A-5s have been in skies of Peshawar recently.
Here I would like to add that an A-5 was also seen leading JF-17s at No. 26 Squadron "Black Spiders" re-equipment ceremony held on April 11. Most likely it was one No. 26 squadron's A-5s now fully replaced with JF-17s.
Also, according to a news report, No. 16 Squadron "Panthers" will be the next squadron to be equipped with JF-17. I think No. 16 Squadron currently operates A-5, and PAF squadrons No. 16 and No. 26 are stationed at Peshawar Air Base.
I hope a proper ceremony will be held for when A-5 finally gets phased out/retired most likely when No. 16 Squadron gets re-equipped with JF-17 in the near future.
I remember some years ago a proper ceremony with media coverage was held at PAF Base Samungli in Quetta when F-6 was phased out.